- 030303 Records
- 100% Pure
- 101 Dance Hits
- 1103 Musik Berlin
- 2064 Recordings
- 23Recordings
- 29 DEEP
- 2Jt
- 2U Records
- 36 Records
- 4 To The Floor Records
- 431,8588 HZ Records
- 617 Records
- 91Ways
- Abletunes
- Absolute Music
- Acid Waxa
- Acid Works
- Acker Dub
- Acker Records
- Adaptor Recordings
- Aeon
- Afrinative Soul
- Afro America Records
- Airesoloseria
- Airplane Europe
- Airplane Records
- Alex Spite Records
- All Blak Records
- Alleviated Records
- Altra Moda Music
- Ametist Records
- AMI Music
- Ammo Recordings
- AMP Dance Label
- Anacalypto Records
- Andrey Reshetnik
- Angry Records
- Anirhythm
- Anómala
- Antamine
- AOU Entertainment
- Apéro Michto Disques
- Applique Music
- Apwood Recordings
- ArchangelUK
- Armada Music
- Armada Music Albums
- Aron Prince Entertainment
- At The Top Music
- Atomic Recordings.
- Audacious Records
- Audio Bitch Records
- Audio Honey
- Auraviss Records
- Automatic Writing
- Avenue 94
- AVRA Records
- Azania Digital Records
- Azureon Select
- Babcock Music Entertainment
- Bacci Bros Records
- Back2Basics
- Barrel House Recordings
- Bass Star Records
- Be Positive Records
- BEAT Music Fund
- Berlin´s Cuban Sound
- BH Records
- Bid Muzik
- Bié Records
- Big Bit Angola
- BIG Speaker Music
- BIP Records
- Biskvit Records
- Bklyn Sessions Trax
- Black Bubble Records
- Black Delta Records
- Black Hole Recordings
- Black Is Blonde
- Black Lemon Records
- Blaize
- BLC Recordings
- Blue Coffee Records
- BMSS Records
- Body Cuts
- Bonzai Back Catalogue
- Bottled Notes
- Boxberglounge
- Boxer Recordings
- Boyette Records
- Brazilian Cartel Records
- BreakONE Records
- Bumbs Records
- C1anoon
- Canaria Records
- Canopy
- CDR Label
- Centric Music
- Cha Cha Heels Records
- Charity Life Music
- Charles T Music
- Chuggy Traxx
- City Soul Recordings
- Clab Zone
- Claps Records
- Classic Music Company
- Clatch Records
- Cloning Sound
- Club Session
- Clublife Records
- Clubmasters Records
- Code Red Recordings
- Coldharbour Black
- Common Time Records
- Complex Destroyerz
- Connected
- Conscious
- Construction Time Music
- Counton Music
- Crazy2Nights
- Create Capital
- Creative Touch Music
- Customized Culture
- D-Phunk Musik
- D.O.C.
- D4 D4NCE
- Dada Inc. Rec
- Dakota West Recordings
- Dalmata Daniel
- Dan Dada Records
- Dance Habit
- DanceMania Recordings
- Dark Nouveau
- Dcnae
- Decrypted Records
- Deep Blue Eyes
- Deep Tech Lab
- Deep Winder Records
- Deepalma Records
- Deepblue Records UK
- Defected Records
- Degustibus
- Delft Records
- Delicate Records
- Delivery House
- DEZ Promotions
- Dhefaux Records
- Differential Recordings
- Digital Empire Records
- Digital Records
- Direct Drive Digital
- Dirty Music
- Disc Doctor
- Disco Drive Mixes
- Disconecta
- Discos Platino
- Discos Tabú
- Distar
- Distil Records
- Distrikt Records
- DIVE Records
- Dizzy Tunes
- Dj Redness
- DJ-T Records
- DJLykov
- Djmastersound
- Domega T. Records
- Don't Make Me Think
- Dont Sweat The Small Stuff
- Dotdotdot Records
- Dream Beat Rec.
- Drizzly
- Drop7 Records
- Dual Life Records
- Duma West
- Dung Beetle Records
- Durban Gqom Music Concepts
- Dust & Blood
- Dusty Desert Music
- EarthCry
- Echo Factory
- Echo Star Line
- Echo Wave Music
- EDM Records
- EffectiveSounds Records
- Eightball Records Digital
- Eisenwaren
- Eklectic Sounds
- El Mental Souls Music
- Electra 1006
- Electro Culture Records
- Electronic District
- Electronic Petz
- Electrophenetic
- Eleven Eleven Records
- Embarcadero Records
- Emercive Recordings
- Enormous Vision
- Enrique Ramil
- EPM Music
- Equiknoxx Music
- Escola Records
- Esuoh
- Eternal Love Records
- Eternal Wisdom Records
- Extraterrestrial Bass Files
- Fabrique Music Bundles
- Fade It Records
- Fade Records
- Fade To Mind
- Fadersport Records
- FAN House Music
- Farbenblind
- Fax Machine Records
- Feines Tier
- Ferrini Records
- Fine Business Music
- Finn Audio
- Fish & Chicks
- Flamingo Recordings
- Flash Forward Presents
- Fluid Electronics
- Fluid Funk
- Forgotten Minds
- Freak Fever Records
- Freekz Like Us
- Fresh Frequencies
- Fugazy Entertainment
- Future Scope Recordings
- G*High Records
- Galacy Records
- Garden Co.
- Gastspiel Records
- Geomagnetic
- Gix Music
- Glitterbox Recordings
- GLXY Recs.
- Go Deep Recordings
- Gold Deeper
- Goldmin Music
- Gost Zvuk
- Goulash-Records
- Grace Records
- Grassroots
- Gravity Circle
- Green Alien Records
- GronTapu
- Groove Banger Records
- Groove-ism
- Grooves.Land
- Grovea
- Gunshot Music Group
- Gurl Tok Recordings
- H-16 Music
- H2U
- H3xSab
- Hallucienda
- Hangover House Records
- Hardsoul Pressings
- Heimatliebe
- High Vibe Records
- Hive Audio
- Hive Audio Dark
- HOH Records
- Holliday Addicts
- Hop Eye Records
- House 206
- House Affairz Records
- House Express
- House Guerillas
- House Hats Records
- House Of EFUNK
- Housepress Music
- Housequiz012
- Hush Recordz
- Hydra Music Records
- HypeKrew Records
- I Love This Sound!
- IAH Records
- Illectrique Audio Rec.
- In The Cause
- Indie Music Group
- Inferno Collective
- Infinite Pleasure
- Inspira Music
- Intersound Music
- Iolab Records
- Ipsiom
- ITolo Music
- Jackfruit Recordings
- Joey Pecoraro Music LLC
- Jolene Records
- Jumpsuit Records, Inc.
- Kalu - City Records
- Kame House
- Karmax Records
- Karonga Records
- Kattivo Records
- Khoisan Music Records
- KIMBA Records
- King Street Sounds
- King Street Sounds (BEAT Music Fund)
- Klangscheiben
- Klaus Veen Records
- Kling Klong Records
- KMS Records (BEAT Music Fund)
- Kniferoom
- Kolmogorov
- Kompakt
- Kompakt WW
- Krach Machen Records
- KTF Records
- Laber Nicht Records
- Laera Tunes
- Lafayette Street Records
- Lakeshore Studio Records EDM
- Latenight Records
- Laut & Luise
- Lazor Music
- Leeloop
- Leftymood Records
- Lekke LLC
- Leporelo
- Les Disques Du Bord De L'eau
- Less IS More Records
- Lessismore
- LetsGZ
- Level 95
- Limbo Sounds
- Liminal Zone Records
- Liquitech Records
- Lo:Rise
- Loci Records
- Lofi House Collective
- Lolipop Recordings
- LoveStyle Limited
- Lowtemp
- LPZ Records
- Ltd, W/Lbl
- Lucidflow
- Lukins
- Lulled Music
- Lurid Music
- LUX Music
- Luxury Night
- Luz De Ponce Records
- M F Records
- Magical Comps
- Magik Muzik
- Maison Fauna
- Malka Tuti
- MalLabel Music
- Maneki Neko
- Manymoret
- Mask Sexy
- Matalo Music
- Material
- Matthiola Records
- MBG International Records
- MDivision Group Records
- MediaTracks
- Medsan Copyrights
- Medusa Realness
- Mellowave Records
- Melodic Bassment Records
- Melodymathics
- Menergy Recordings
- Metropolitan Recordings
- MHSM Records
- Miami Boys
- Miami Mainstage Records
- Micromomenterial
- Midnight Beach Records
- Midnight Operators
- Milk & Sugar Recordings
- Minus Mal's Records
- Mise En Place
- MixOne
- MNA Records
- Moan
- Monofonicos Netlabel
- Monstercat
- Moonrock Entertainment Latam
- Morph Tracks
- Motordisc
- Movementt
- Mr. Bill's Tunes
- Munich Monkey Beats
- Musex Industries
- Music Access Inc
- Music Beats My Feeling Records
- Music Geniuses Records
- Music Man
- Music Recordings
- Musica Diaz / Senorita
- Musirec
- Mylod Music
- MYnz2rec
- Myor
- MYSA Label
- Mystical Records
- Nachtaktiv Media
- Nachtaktive Resonanzkörper
- Name Unknown
- Natura Sonoris
- Naucrates Music
- Neo
- Netswork Digital Records
- Netswork International
- New Music Order
- New Sound Society
- Nielrow
- Night Style Exotic Records
- Nine Teas Records
- Ninja Tune
- Nipplekiss Records
- NM Music
- No Matter What
- No Sheet Music
- No Way Back
- Noir Sur Blanc Records
- None60
- Northern Soul Music
- NorwaySounds
- Not So Secret
- Nothing Is Real
- Nouveau Niveau Records
- Nu Soul Records
- O.T.R.O. Discos
- Oasic Sound
- Odyzey Music
- Oke Records
- On Rotation
- One City Music Group
- Onym Music
- Opalescent Sounds
- Open Electronic
- Optimo Music Digital Danceforce
- Orbitality Recordings
- Origami Sound
- Orpheus Recordings
- Osiris Recordings
- Over House Records
- Oxobis Records
- Oxygen Box
- Palaraga
- Pantheon Select
- Papa Music 2.0
- Paper Cuts Limited
- Paradise Ocean
- Parallel Minds
- Pastel Voids
- Pepper Cat
- Perfect Driver Music
- Pfaeton Planet
- Phobiq
- Phoenix G
- Phunky Data
- Pimp King Music
- PINO Music
- Pittsburgh Tracks
- Planet Hum Music Group
- Planet Love Classics 3.0
- Planet Lush
- Platonic Solids Inc.
- Play Tough Records
- Plush Records Inc.
- PMP Records
- Pogohouserecords
- Poker Flat Recordings
- Polychrome Audio
- Potion Records
- Power House Records
- Pro Clubbin Records
- Progressive Drive Mixes
- Prompt Digital
- Protocol Recordings
- Pulse Drift Recordings
- Purveyor Underground
- push2play music
- Queen House Music
- R3 Roland Rocha Records
- Raid Records
- Rapeseed Cultivation Records
- Raw & Addictive Music
- Rearl Ltd
- Rebelpark
- Recovery House
- Red Island Productions
- Red Room Studio
- Reforma Records
- Regional Sounds Recordings
- Remmah
- Resilient Eagle
- Return To Forever
- Revoevol Recordings
- Revsun
- RH2
- Rino Aqua
- RitmoDiMezzo
- Room 307
- Rturn Ibiza
- RUN DEEP Records
- Rural Jazz Record Company
- S.M.A.S.H. Records
- S2 Records
- Sally Traxx
- Sanelow Label
- Sariton Records
- Sasha Busko
- Sattaoja
- Save The Nightlife
- Savoir Faire Musique
- Scissor & Thread
- Sebastian Tejeda
- Selebogo Capital Records
- Selected.
- Selva Discos
- Selvamancer
- Senior Boys Music
- Serious Beats Classics
- Shango Records
- Shattered Nights
- Shelter
- Shiva Muzik
- Siena Label
- Signature
- Silhouette Sounds
- Silva Electronics
- Silver Nail Records
- Silver Recordings
- Sincinaty Records
- Sirup Music
- Six Sound Records
- SLASE Records
- Slow Fast Records
- Slug Endeavours
- Smily-Records
- Smooth Sound
- Sobel Nation Records
- Sofa Sessions
- Solardish Records
- Solaris Records
- Solid Discos
- Solitary Music
- Somanymusic
- Something Happening Somewhere
- Songspire Records
- Sonic Stage
- Sophisticated Elite
- Soul Candi Records
- Soul Clap Records
- Soul Heaven Records
- Soul Rec
- Soul Room Records
- Soul Stage
- Soul Trader Records
- Soulful Legends
- Sound Division Smilax
- Sound Progress
- Soundcolours
- Sounded Music
- Soundo RED
- Sounds United
- Soundz Good
- Soydas Records
- Speed Dial Records
- Speed Of Life
- ST Records
- Stars Production
- Stellar Sounds
- Step Ball Chain
- StepByStep
- Still X Records
- Stol
- Stólar
- Stone Monkeys Music
- Stoney Boy Music
- Strada Music
- Street Blaster Records
- Street House Music
- Strong Island Records
- Studio13
- Subline Audio
- Suma Records
- Summoned Records
- Sunlight Tunes
- Superfriends Records
- Superjoy
- Supply Records
- Sure Cuts Records
- Surefire
- Sweed Music
- Swing Records
- Swonk Music
- Sync.records
- Systematic Recordings
- Tabanus
- Tales Of Freedom
- TB Clubtunes
- Teach Dance
- Temperamental Club Sound
- Teratogen Dose Productions
- TGEE Records
- Tharo Wave
- The 5th
- The Den Records
- The Groove Experience Entertainment Studios
- The Mogoulz
- The Next Generation House Music
- The Specialists Records
- The Third Room
- The Warrior Recordings
- Theko Entertainment
- Thermik Records
- Three Hands Records
- Through Gods Own Eyes
- Tiger Records
- Time Up Productions
- Timeless Classic Music, LLC
- ToComusic.TV
- Toka Beatz
- Ton Liebt Klang
- TONSPIEL Recordings
- Too Many Rules
- Too2Dirty Records
- Top 5 The Label
- Topnoise Recordings
- ToschMusic
- Total Freedom Plus
- Track Turners Music
- Tri Music Group
- Trillones
- Tubemaster
- Tuff E Nuff Records
- TUO Records
- TUO Records White Label
- U Don't Dance
- U-Boot
- U2X Productions
- Umusic Records
- Under No Illusion
- United House Music
- Uniting Souls Music
- Unreleased Digital
- Upstairs Studios
- Ursula 1000
- Useless Group
- Utherium Recordings
- Valby Rotary
- Vamos Music
- Vamos Music Talents
- Van Czar Series
- Variety Music
- Vault Wax
- Vero Sound Records
- Vicious
- Virtuvl Wrld
- Vision One
- Vision Recordings
- Viventas Music
- Vocapraya Music
- Voltaire Music
- Vutan Records
- Way Up Music
- We Are Klexos
- West Swell Records
- WeZienWel Records
- WhatMusic Group
- White Face Recordings
- Wicked Wax
- WiddFam
- Woodshed Music
- Work Series
- Workout Music
- World Wide Recordings
- WorldOfBrights
- Xarma Music
- XCM Records
- XTO Records
- XWaveZ
- Yes Yes Records
- Yoruba Records
- Young Gunz Muzic
- Your Deep Is Not My Deep
- Zartha
- Zemyu
The Sound Of Soul Heaven Miami 2016
Gershon Jackson, Nick Curly, Fonda Rae, Copyright, Imaani, Soul Heaven DJs, Marc Evans, Tim Deluxe, Amira, Joss Moog, Hardrive: 2000, Dele Sosimi Afrobeat Orchestra, Pierre Salandy, Quentin Harris, Fred Everything, Margaret Grace, Jinadu, Karizma, Tony Momrelle, DJ Spen, Soul Central, Konstantin Sibold, Billie, Rhemi, Guti, HanLei, Luca Bacchetti, Fusion Groove Orchestra, April, Steve Lucas, Black Magic, Soul Vision, Stones & Bones, Pino Arduini, Marissa Guzman, Javier Bollag, Grey Area, Adesse Versions, Heston, Purple Disco Machine, Iban Montoro, Boris Dlugosch, Jazzman Wax, Kings Of Tomorrow, Chez Damier, April Morgan, Dennis Ferrer, DJ W!ld, Tyrone Ellis, Paolo Rocco, Osunlade, Wallflower, Larry Heard, Eli Escobar, Jon Cutler, Laolu, Reel People, Atjazz, Manoo, Pablo Fierro, Steve Bug
The Sound of Soul Heaven Ibiza 2015
Kenny Summit, K.C.Y.C., Reelsoul, Johnny Corporate, HBN, Nick Curly, Swing 52, Dam Swindle, DJ Gregory, Sandy Barber, Wookie, Lain, Peven Everett, SanXero, Brame, Mr. V, Hamo, Soul Heaven DJs, Louie Vega, Osunlade, Sheila Ford, Obas Nenor, Vince Watson, Soulful Session, Kings Of Tomorrow Feat. Rae, Cheryl Lee, Terrence Parker, DJ Rae, Neal Conway, Coco Street, Chesus, Dana Weaver, Miguel Migs, Black Coffee, Ultra Naté, Lisa Shaw, Tsepo, Blaze, Kon, Ann Nesby, Lady Blacktronika, Jose Burgos, Josh Butler, Atjazz, Kenny Bobien, Bontan, Soul Divide, Sun, Josh Barry, Reel People, Corrado Bucci, Tommy Bones, Dyanna Fearon, Tony Lionni, Eddie Fowlkes, Eminence, Cuebur, Kathy Brown, Marissa Guzman, Thiwe, Byron Stingily, Jay-J, Tito Wun, Dennis Ferrer, Charlene Moore, Julien Jabre, Eltonnick, Larry Heard, Opolopo, Mark Grant, Danny Krivit, Andrés, Timeline, HNNY, DJ Spinna, Carl Craig, Man Without A Clue, Culoe De Song, Cleptomaniacs, Quentin Harris, Jacques Renault, DJ Able, Matt Bandy
The Sound Of Soul Heaven Miami 2015
KB, Danism, Chasing Kurt, Arnold Jarvis, Luca C & Brigante, Terrence Parker, Róisín Murphy, Merachka, DJ Spen, DJ Able, Soul Heaven DJs, Julie McKnight, Rachel McDonald, Donald Sheffey, Seven Davis Jr., Densaid, Meshell Ndegeocello, The Black 80s, Reno Ka, Kaylow, Blaze, Sandman, Yousef, Logic, Amira, Riverside, Alexander East, Janet Rushmore, Jeremy Ellis, Sandy Rivera, Kings Of Tomorrow, Black Magic, LT Brown, Dam Swindle, April Morgan, Danny Clark, Mayer Hawthorne, S.Chu, Jay Benham, Brotherhood Of Soul, Soul Clap, Terri Walker, Susu Bobien, Reel People, Robert Owens, Cuebur, Angela Johnson, Saliva Commandos, Vikter Duplaix, Imaani, Erro, Michelle Rivera, DJ Gomi, Julien Jabre, Louie Balo, Martin Luther, Trinidad Senolia, Yasmeen, Melissa B, Ms Seddy, Jay ‘Sinister’ Sealee, Xakosa, Copyright, Rick Collins, Rampa, Donae'o, S.Y.F., Deep Boyz, Miguel Migs, Byron Stingily, Tim Fuller, DJ Fudge, Jovonn, Hallex M, Quentin Harris, OMAR, Monique Bingham, Lovebirds, Deetron, Osunlade, Angel Moraes, Jullian Gomes, Louie Vega, Mousse T. , Fred Everything, Kerri Chandler, Kai Alce, Soul Vision, The MuthaFunkaz, Dennis Ferrer, Andre Lodemann, Joey Negro, Ezel, Toto Chiavetta, Scott Wozniak, Timmy Regisford, Adam Rios, Frankie Feliciano