- 101 Dance Hits
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- Armada Music Albums
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- Deepsessions Recordings
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- Fade Records
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- Progressive Drive Mixes
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- push2play music
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- Shine Of All Stars Label
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- TB Media
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- The 5th
- The Sin Records
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- Unreleased Digital
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- Waldliebe Familien
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- ZEHN Records
- Zero Three Zero
A Guy in Boom (Live from Tomorrowland, 22 July 2018)
Dustin Nantais, Hernan Cattaneo, Soundexile, Guy Mantzur, Dmitry Molosh, Kintar, BOg, Jos & Eli, Martin Merkel, Road To Mana, Juan Sapia, Porra, Samuel Dezus, Martin Gardoqui, Matias Larrosa, Dorian Craft, SEGG, Emi Galvan, Simon Berry, Luke Brancaccio