Igor Puljic (Pookie)
Sunset Sessions - Punta Del Este, Uruguay
Imaani, Mood II Swing, Tara J, The Shapeshifters, David Herrero, Nouveau Yorican, DJ Gregory, Gregor Salto, The Serafim Crew, Chocolate Puma, David Penn, Rober Gaez, Niquid, Tensnake, Toni Bass, Sheilah Cuffy, Andy Daniell, ATFC, Lisa Millett, Audiowhores, Ann Saunderson, Soul Central, Billie, Sandy Rivera, Rae, Copyright, Ramon Tapia De Jonge, Igor Puljic (Pookie), Boris Krstajic, Franky Rizardo, Mark Knight, Marc Poppcke, Quentin Harris