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Hip-Hop, Commercial
K.Méleon, Relo, Poz, Lansky Namek, Greenfinch, Ismael, Euphonik, Ocalys, Brasco, Ashakaes, Kennedy, Tookie, Grödash, Loki, Naiir, Zino, L'ami Caccio, Melan, Ol Zico, Bilon, Gips, Der'k, Bouftou, Rimkhana, Drahim, Moro, Swift Guad, Red.K, Faf Larage, Hermano Salvatore, Boss One, Le Muge, N3MS, Makiavel, L'amir'al
X-men, Pejmaxx, Scylla, Sinik, Swift Guad, Disiz La Peste, Blakesmith, Sir Doum's, Sako (Chiens De Paille), Kimy, Euphonik, Furax Barbarossa, Moro, Mala, 3Robi, Lunatic, Guy2Bezbar, Intouchable, Assasin, Tonton David, Supernatural, Zesau, Benjamin EPPS, Greenfinch, Melan, Tekilla, D.Ace, Zippo, Davodka, Le Bon Nob, Ywil, Oprim, Saknes, Lautrec, Dooz Kawa, Guilty, Frimsa, Fhat.R, Ganjre The Giant, Dj Venum, Damso
Les X-Men, Ul'Team Atom, Ol'Kainry, Paco, Sigma, Demon One, Swift Guad, Raw Saïtama, Nefaste, Melan, Greenfinch, Euphonik, Grödash, Coazart, Sako (Chiens De Paille), Akhenaton, Ol Kainry, L'Affreux Jojo, Al'Tarba, Raph Gpw, Apotre H, Treize Eloquence, Dayron, Lacraps, Moro, Demi Portion, L'ami Caccio, L'Hexaler, Hermano Salvatore, Busta Flex
Moro, Demi Portion, Akhenaton, Oxmo Puccino, Swift Guad, Veust, Blakesmith, Furax Barbarossa, Euphonik, Busta Flex, Les X-Men, Melan, Greenfinch, Tekilla, D.Ace, Zippo, Davodka, Le Bon Nob, Ywil, Oprim, Saknes, Lautrec, Dooz Kawa, Guilty, Frimsa, Fhat.R, Ganjre The Giant, Dj Venum, Jarod, Sako (Chiens De Paille), Ol Kainry, Bilouki, L'Hexaler, Scylla
Sampler Addictive 2021, Vol. 1
VII, Greenfinch, Ol Kainry, Grödash, Raph Gpw, Apotre H, Treize Eloquence, Dayron, Poz, Benjamin EPPS, Kennedy, Swift Guad, Lyricson, Iron Sy, Alibi Montana, Aketo, Sêar Lui Même, Jidma, L'ami Caccio, L'Hexaler, Hermano Salvatore, Moro, Demi Portion, Euphonik, Faf Larage, Dj Djel, Sako (Chiens De Paille), Melan, Davodka, Busta Flex, Les X-Men
Fhat.R, Ganjre The Giant, Dj Venum, I.n.c.h, Ol Zico, Hugo TSR, Souffrance, Paco, Melan, Shoumci, Grödash, Furax Barbarossa, Moro, Swift Guad, La Gale, Grödash, Cheb Bilal, Profit Za3im, Ixzo, Gradur, Morad, Greenfinch, Tekilla, D.Ace, Zippo, Davodka, Le Bon Nob, Ywil, Oprim, Saknes, Lautrec, Dooz Kawa, Guilty, Frimsa