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All Genres
Electro, Industrial, Dub
Fabrique EP
Materielle, Raytek, Mike Derer
Northern Parallels
Techno - Deep
Reflections EP
Joshua Calleja & Semreh, Mike Derer, Yamanaka, Myles Serge
The Replacements
Various Artists
Best of Northern Parallels - Volume 4
Rhythm Communion
Jak, Mike Derer, Yamanaka
Blonde Dimension
Joshua Calleja, Jason Patrick, Mike Derer, Centrific
Best of Northern Parallels - Volume 3
Remake EP
Prowler (BR), Mike Derer, Elyas
Best Of Northern Parallels - Volume 2
The Love Anthem Remixes
Gabriella Vergilov, Lindsey Herbert, Ray Kajioka, Mike Derer
Saint of Revenge EP
Joshua Calleja, Gabriella Vergilov, Mike Derer
Best Of Northern Parallels - Volume 1
Gradual Landscapes
Don't Be a Stranger EP
Gabriella Vergilov, Jason Patrick, Mike Derer, Hiroko Yamamura
Mike Derer
Obscure Desires (Mike Derer & Yamanaka Remix)
Joshua Calleja & Semreh
Blonde Dimension (Jason Patrick & Mike Derer Remix)
Joshua Calleja
Deep Space Falling
Saint of Revenge (Mike Derer Remix)
The Love Anthem (Mike Derer Remix)
Gabriella Vergilov
Nylon (Mike Derer Remix)
Rhythm Inside Rhythm
Dont Be a Stranger (Jason Patrick & Mike Derer Remix)
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