Schatten 2021 (talla 2xlc & Para X Remix)
Plastic Angel, Talla 2XLC & Para X
Trance - Psy Trance
Promozioni CLASSIFICATechnoclub Retro
Titolo / ArtistaRemixerGenereBPMCHIAVELunghezza
Two giants of powerful uplifting trance combine their explosive forces to recreate the beloved Plastic Angel classic Schatten released back in 1998 on the well known Wash imprint. Talla 2XLC who has done top remix of Schatten back in 1999 meets the upcoming Para X for the bombastic new version. You can expect full on uplifting trance with that hair raising melodic theme cropping up in the breakdown to bring tears of joy and excitement. This is the remix sound of Frankfurt Trance reborn.