Chibar Records
The independent label Chibar Records was founded on the 23rd of August in 2005 by Extraplay, at that time they had separated from Flashback Records. This happened to open the possibility to make their produced music more known, at which was the distribution of the music also the aim of Extraplay. He saw no future at Flashback Records, because the possibilities there were heavily restricted. For these and other reasons, the own label Chibar Records was founded. In the first two years the focus was the music production and local advertising to sell the first albums in his hometown. In 2007, the website went online and the label got first sales opportunities via the Internet, since that time Chibar Records was a digital label with the address http://chibarrecords.de. Besides the digital distribution of music were also planned publications on vinyl and cd. Mainly minimal, house and techno are published on the label, but several other genres of the electronic styles, too. The development of the music has improved in comparison to the first productions and will continue to improve, that is the aim of all artists at Chibar Records. On the website you can listen to previews of the actual releases.
Chillout - House - Lounge - Minimal - Tech House - Techno
Все жанры
Все жанры
Deep House
Deep, House, Vocal House
Electro House
Electro House
Hardstyle, Hard Techno, Hard Dance
Soulful, Tribal, Vocal
Indie Dance - Nu Disco
Disco, Indie Dance
Deep Tech, Minimal House
Progressive House
House, Melodic
Tech House
Dark House, Dub
Techno - Deep
Electro, Industrial, Dub