- Euro Musik
- 1101 Records
- 122-Records
- 1863205 Records DK
- 1devi
- 23Recordings
- 29 DISCO
- 2k21 Recordings
- 2nd Time Around
- 4 The Music
- 4 To The Floor Records
- 418 Music
- 541
- 5ive
- 6 Plusten Records
- 617 Records
- 76 Recordings
- 7AGE Music
- 82 Studios
- 8b Recordings
- 96 Montigolfiera Production
- À Table
- Abe Duque Records
- Abel Balder
- Able To Resist
- Abstract Realism
- Acalwan a Division of ZYX Music
- Aceton Music
- Acetone
- Achillea Music
- Acid Fruits
- Acid Waxa
- ACRBTC Records
- Acrylic On Canvas
- Acultur8
- Adamdaylight
- Adaptor Recordings
- Adesso Music
- Adriatiko Recordings
- Adriel
- Aeiou
- Aeon
- Aera Records
- Aeropop
- Afrinative Soul
- Afro America Records
- Agenda Music Recordings
- Aien Beat
- Airplane! Europe
- Airport Records
- ALAULA Music
- Alfresco Disco
- Alien Delirium Recordings
- All About Artists Records Licensed By Jill Helena
- All Night Long Records
- All Skin Types Recordings
- All The Feelings
- All XS
- Alpaca Edits
- Alpafunk Records
- Altered Bells
- Altitude Records
- Altra Moda Music
- Amaeo
- Amelia Recordings
- Amen Companny
- AMHRecords
- Amity Recordings
- AMIWA Records
- Ammo Recordings
- Amused
- Ananiah Recordings
- Andmusic
- Angel Order Music
- Angry Mob Music
- Angry Records
- ANGRYLAND Recordings
- Aniara Recordings
- Ano Ano
- Another Chance Records
- Antidote Music
- Anto Recordings
- AOU Entertainment
- Ape Raw Records
- Apparent Movement
- Applique Music
- Aquamelon
- Architextures
- Arco Arte Records
- Area Remote
- Armada Electronic Elements
- Armada Music
- Armada Music Albums
- Armada Subjekt
- Artema Recordings
- Artifact
- Artificio
- Ascending Branch
- Astazo Records
- AstroPilot Music
- Aterral
- Atlantics Records
- Atop Records
- Attention.Inc Music
- Attractive
- Audacious Records
- Audio Drive Digital
- Audio Honey
- Audio Lotion Recordings
- Audio Music World
- Audio Recordings
- Audiokult
- Auraviss Records
- Autentica Records
- Avec Passions
- Avyo Music
- Awesome Prepared Records
- Awesome!
- Azania Digital Records
- Azra Digital Records
- Azureon Select
- B1
- B74records
- B79 Music
- Baccara Music
- Bacci Bros Records
- Back To Mono
- Back2Basics
- Backstein
- Bad Business
- Bajun Records
- Barcelona Beats Records
- Bargrooves
- Barrio
- Bassi Digital
- Battlestation Records
- Batuque Music
- Be An Ape
- Be Positive Records
- Be Rich Records
- Beat Banana Productions
- Beat Coin Records
- Beatfusion
- Beatradar
- Beats For Sports
- Beatzekatze Records
- Believe House Music
- Believe In Disco
- Below The Surface
- Berlin Bass Collective
- Bermuda Chill
- Berry Parfait
- Best Revenge Records
- Bid Muzik
- BiDoo Music
- Bienvenue Records Inc.
- BIG Speaker Music
- big up A Disvision of ZYX Music
- Bikini Records
- BIP Records
- Bishops Bloc
- Black Focus
- Black Is Blonde
- Black Lemon Records
- BlacKXesS
- Blastomp Records
- Bleam Music
- Bloom Music
- Blue Rider Music
- BlueTide Music
- Bluewater Lounge
- Body Music
- Body'n Soul Music
- Bodysync
- Bonkers Records
- Bonze
- Boombox
- Boosya Music
- Booth Busters
- Bootleg Beats
- Born In Mexico
- Born To Live
- Boxberglounge
- Boxer Recordings
- Boy´s Deep
- Braba Records
- Brass Rave Unit
- Bravo Pueblo
- Brayden Pierce
- Brewing Records
- Bring The House Down Light Label
- Broken Levee
- Brombért Records
- Brook Gee Records
- Brothertiger
- Bubblegum
- Bug Klinik Records
- Bump Machine
- Bunny Clan
- Bunnyman Bridge Records
- Burning Men Records
- But Did You Dance LLC
- Butta Records
- Butterweich.Audio
- Buzted
- Caballero Recordings
- Cabaret Sonic
- Cacique Records
- Campo Alegre Productions
- Can We Wonder
- Candy Records
- Candy Soundz SA Records
- Candydeluxe
- Canopy
- Carisen Collective
- Casa Day Pots
- Cash Beats Music
- Castillo Recordings
- Castle Music Group
- Castle Of Tone
- Causa Y Efecto
- Cause Org Records
- Cedie Janson
- CEVITHouse
- Cha Cha Groove Records
- Cha Cha Heels Records
- Chaman Records
- Chart Series
- Chibar Records
- Chica Chica
- Childsplay
- Chillrecordsmusic 2024
- Chillrecordsmusic.
- Christie Scha
- Circular
- Circus Night Rec
- Citizens Of Vice
- City Life
- City Noises
- City Soul Recordings
- Classic Music Company
- Clepsydra
- Clouds Testers The Legendaries
- Club Music Elements
- Club Session
- Club Sweat
- Clublife Records
- Clubmasters Records
- Coconut Grove Records
- Color Red
- Colore
- Columbia
- Common Time Records
- Compass Joint
- Complex Textures
- Computer Love Records
- CondeDuque
- Conscious
- Constant Signals
- Control Freak Kitten Records
- CoolCuts
- Corvällis
- Cosmic Jelly
- Counter Records
- Country California
- Crashing Apart Records
- Crazay
- Crazy2Nights
- Croisette Records
- Crow
- Crush Club NYC LLC
- CTS Records
- Culture 54
- Curiousoul
- Cut Rec
- Cyanide
- Cyp Records
- D33tro7 Records
- D3adc0de
- D4 D4NCE
- Dama Dama
- Damolh Records
- Dance Habit
- Dance It Out
- Dance Of Toads
- Dance Plant Records Inc
- Dark Distorted Signals
- Dark Mondays
- Daround Records
- Daste Music
- Datscha Music
- Day & Night Project
- Dbeatzion Records
- Dedust Black
- Deep Bear
- Deep Hype Sounds
- Deepalma Records
- Deepalma Soul
- Deepblue Records UK
- Deeper Motion Recordings
- Deeper Music
- Deepvisionz
- Deepwibe Records
- Deepwibe Records
- Deep`n Bold Records
- DeeTrax
- Defected Records
- Degrees Of Sounds
- Delayed Music
- Delicious Records
- Delighture Edizioni
- Delivery House
- Delsin Records
- Demoño
- Depths Of Heaven
- Deriva Collective Records
- Desperadoz
- Deus Dance
- Dg Media
- Dhefaux Records
- Diamond Records
- Diamond Sizer
- Digital Records
- Digital Vinyl Recordings
- Dine & Dash Music
- Dirty Disco Music (ddm)
- Dirty Music
- Dischi Magalotti
- Disco 86
- Disco Authority Recordings
- Disco Cat
- Disco Dealers
- Disco Family Records
- Disco Fever
- Disco Futuro
- Disco June
- Disco Machine Records
- Disco Motion Records
- Disco Revenge
- Disco Sucks Records
- Disconecta
- Discoring
- Discoroots Records
- Discos Platino
- Discos Prohibidos
- Discos Tabú
- Discotto Productions
- Disposal Music Vibes
- Distar
- Distil Records
- Distile Records
- Distorsion Records
- DIVE Records
- Diversions Music
- Division Recordings
- DJ Camp
- DJ White Label
- DJ008 Records
- Djeb
- DJLykov
- Djmastersound
- Dmn Records
- Dominium Recordings
- Dont Sweat The Small Stuff
- Dope Demand
- Dotdotdot Records
- Dr. M
- Drago
- Dream Chimney
- Dream Sounds Factory
- Drink Tonight
- Droomschipp
- Drop N Drum Records
- Druma
- Drømmer
- Dsclosed Records
- Dualism Records
- Dub Disco
- Duce Haus Music Co.
- Duenian
- Duna Beats
- Duophonic
- Duophonic UHF Disks / Warp Records
- Dust & Blood
- DVSC Records
- DWA Records
- Dylan Cooper
- Dynamique
- Dysnoia
- E-soundtrax
- Easier Said
- Easy Listening Recordings
- Ebalunga!!!
- Echoes Of Tarab
- EFES-Club
- Effected
- Effected Underground
- Ehonifox Production
- Eightball Records Digital
- El Born Records
- El Otro Mundo Recordings
- Electricity Records
- Electro Disco Records
- Electroin Label
- Electrophenetic
- Elektro Pink
- Element Euphoria
- Eleven Miles
- Elton Audio Records
- Embarcadero Records
- Embarcadero Red
- Emercive Recordings
- Empty Bus Records
- Enlace Records
- Enormous Chills
- Enormous Tunes
- Entprima Publishing
- EnVogue Records
- Envy Music
- Epic/Sony
- EPM Music
- Equiknoxx Music
- Erijo Gold
- Esuoh
- Eternal Sundown Records
- Ethica Recordings
- Euterpa Music
- Evolved Records
- Excursion Music
- Exit-Scam-Records
- Exogenic Breaks Records
- Extra Sound Recordings
- F#cklite
- Fabrik Records
- Fabrique Music Bundles
- Fabrique Recordings
- Faces
- Fairchild
- Faith
- Family Funktion
- Fantin Zoo Records
- Fashion Deep
- Fashion Music Records
- Fashion Recovery
- Favorite Music
- FDF Records
- Feals Music
- Ferdinando Mongelli
- Ferrini Records
- Fibonacci Recordings
- Fidget Music
- File Under Disco
- Final House Rec. (Spain)
- Findz HQ
- Fine Mode
- Fingerprint Music
- Finish Team Records
- Finish Team Records Young
- FireScope Records
- Fish Music
- Fishtone Records
- Fiume Beat Rec.
- Five Two 7
- Flamingo Recordings
- FlamingoTaro
- Fleisch Records
- Flight Digital
- Flint Productions
- Flip-Flops Records
- Flow Fuego Records
- Flower Power
- Fluid Funk
- Fly Again Music
- Fly Over Records
- Foil Imprints
- Follow The Palms
- Food Porn Music
- For The Music
- Forest Kids Collective
- Foster Kent Music
- Four Finger Distro
- Freaks Do Dance
- Freivonwelt
- Friends Of
- Frncn Music
- From Ibiza With Love
- FSS Recordings
- Ft.loh Records
- Funkisco
- Funky Green Records
- Funky Si Records
- Funky Way
- FunkyTown Records
- Funkytronik Music
- Furnace Room Records
- Futura Nation
- Future Romance
- G&G Music
- G&S House Music
- G*High Records
- G-High
- G-Mafia Records
- G.Star Records
- GallXi
- GAMA Music
- Garden Co.
- Gatto Rosso
- Gavin Turek
- Gaya Blue Records
- Generation HEX
- Generation Music Group
- Gentle Recordings
- Gert Records
- Getndance Records
- Ghostwork
- Giant Wheel
- Giglio Rotto Dischi
- Gilda House
- Gimme The Night
- Give & Take Records
- Glammer Music
- Glistening Records
- Glitterbox Recordings
- Glitz Audio
- Global Dancecore
- Global Groove Collective
- Global Player Music
- Gloria Mundi
- Golden Chocolate Records
- Golden Factory Limited
- Golden Factory Records
- Golden Factory Space
- Golden Sneakers International
- Goldmatter
- Goldmin Music
- Good Karma Records
- Good Life Records
- Good Skills
- Good Vibes Only
- Goosebump
- Gorilla Rhythm Recordings
- Goulash-Records
- Gracht
- Gradience
- Grandfather Records
- Gravity City Records
- Gravy Trax
- Green Leaf Industries
- Groove Control Recordings
- Groove Finders Records
- Groove Foundation Recordings
- Groove It Records
- Groove Nation
- Groove Room Records
- Groovelab Recordings
- Groovy Firehorse 66
- Gruvstation Underground
- Guena Records
- Guilty Pleasure Recordings
- Gurl Tok Recordings
- H Studio
- H2-Production
- Hallucienda
- Handara Records
- Hangover House Records
- Happy Techno Music
- Hardcopy NL Recordings
- Hardgroove
- Hearts Go Deep Sounds
- Hegemon Select
- Heimatliebe
- Hellwach
- Henry Street Music
- Herencia Music
- Herndz Music
- HerVee Ground Music
- Hfn Music
- HGA Deep
- Hi! Reaction
- High Fashion Music
- High Hop Records
- High Vibe Records
- Highbytes Records
- Higher Hopes Records
- Higher Pulse
- Hit Save Music
- Hive Audio
- Hive Audio Dark
- Hive Vibe Label
- Hoito
- Hold On Love Records
- Holly Wild
- HolracMuzic
- Holy Poly
- Hoop Records
- Hot Elephant Music
- Hot Foot
- Hot House Records
- House 4 You
- House Connection
- House Essential Records
- House Freedom
- House Global Alliance
- House Hats Records
- House Heads
- House Party Records
- HouseFanatics Music
- Housesession Records
- HouseU
- Houseu Tunes
- Hovvler Dance
- HUE Archive
- Human Touch Records
- Hyper Music Life
- I Love This Sound!
- IAH Records
- Ibiza Love Records
- Icons Of Nothing Records
- Igor Pumphonia 2024
- Igor Pumphonia.
- Ilinx
- Illsboro Records
- IM Dance
- IM Digital (EU)
- IM Electronic (EU)
- Im-moral
- IMD Badr Dean
- IMD-Calmo
- IMD-Palm 3 Records
- IMD-RunningMan
- IMORX Records
- IMusician | Acid Records
- IMusician | Music Of Damo
- IMusician | Simon Gabriel Music
- IMusician | STRCLB Record
- IMusician | ZMUSIC
- In My Room (BR)
- In The Cause
- Incroyable Music
- Indiana Tones
- Indie Music Group
- Induction Muzic
- Ineffable Records
- Inextremis
- Infer Music
- Infractive Digital
- Infraspike Records
- Inner.art
- Insight Music
- Inspired Virtu
- Inspirit Music Production GmbH
- Instant Groove Records
- Integrate Records
- Intelegent Music
- International Feel Recordings
- Intimacy Records
- Intimatic Records
- Invisible People
- Invisible Records
- Ippa Records
- Ipsographic-records
- Irresistible Records
- Island Moods
- Ist Rec
- ISV Entertainment
- It's A Pleasure
- Ivy Recordings
- Jabes Music Entertainment
- Jackfruit Recordings
- Jam Box Music Group
- Jannek
- Jannowitz Records
- Jaso Company Music Group
- Jaw Dropping Records
- Jazze Records
- JEAHMON! Redux
- Jean Yann Records
- Jetsetter Music
- Jive Afrika Recordings.
- JMG LWP Editions
- Joe Maffia
- Jolene Records
- JourneyDeep Records
- Joyride Music Club
- Joystick MUSIC
- Jpride Entertainment
- Juicy Music
- Jumpsuit Records, Inc.
- JuniorAstronaut
- Justo Records
- K:lender
- Kai Needie
- Kainalu
- Kalu - City Records
- Kamarads Records
- Kameleon Records
- Karatemusik
- Karmax Records
- Karmic Power Records
- Karnal Records
- Kattivo Records
- Katz & Kauz
- Kazardia Records
- Keep Calm Records
- Keep On Dancing Music
- Keep Out Recordings
- Kenektid X Music
- KHB Music
- KHB Music
- Kidk UK
- Kids Return
- Kigen Future House Sounds
- Kindness Of Bearer Recordings
- King Street Sounds
- King Street Sounds (BEAT Music Fund)
- King T-Finesse Records
- Kingdom Digital Music Group
- Kissmee
- Kito Jempere Records
- Kittball Records
- KJAMM Records In Association With Boom For Real
- Klam Records
- Klap Klap
- Kling Klong Records
- Klubkidz Productions
- Kokopelli Medicine Music
- KOMBUST Records
- Kommandoerr Music
- Kompakt
- Kreame
- L'inlassable
- L.B.A Groove Records
- La Casa Recordings
- La Chapelle Records
- La Maison Libre
- La Minimale Chic Recordings
- La Musique D Avant Garde
- La Musique Du Beau Monde
- Label Cantroll
- Lafayette Street Records
- Lake Of Confidence
- Lakeshore Studio Records EDM
- Lamb's Wool Music
- Laridae
- Laroie
- Lautlos! Records
- Lazor Music
- LDI Records
- LDMT Records
- Le Bien Et Le Mal Recordings
- Le Mans Recordings
- Les Folies Digitales
- Let's Play Remixes
- Letters To Nina
- Level 95
- Level E
- LH Strikes
- Lifted House
- Lija Kramer
- Lilly Era (DE)
- Limano, Takt Rausch, Nico.Teen
- Lionboy Records
- Lips Records
- Lithuanian Sound
- LittleibizaRECORDS
- Livin Dreams Records
- Lo:Rise
- Loft & Sound
- Logos Recordings
- Lolipop Recordings
- Lookbook Recordings
- Lost Entity
- Louca Music Records
- Love Some Dance
- Lovejet
- Lovely Mood Music
- Lovely Records
- Lovestyle Records
- Lovetempo
- Loyal House Records
- Lucidflow
- Lukins
- Lull Music
- Lunatic
- Luxury Night
- LVLD Music
- Lybra Records
- Lyr Records / Plur Records
- LYT Recordings
- M F Records
- M&R Records
- Maccabi House
- Madame Gold Records
- Mädcheninternat Records Berlin
- MadGroup Recordings
- Magic Magic
- Mahabharata Records
- Mahjong Music Ltd
- Main.kid
- Make It Records
- Maneki Neko
- Mango Records
- Mani Tox
- Maniaco Records
- Mansaga Records
- Marvellous Tunes
- Massproduktion
- Mastermix Records
- Material Trax
- Mazoom Lab
- MBMH Records
- MD-Studio
- MDM Records
- Mechanical
- Medusa Realness
- Mellowave Records
- Melodymathics
- Melusine
- Menergy Recordings
- Mental Madness Records
- Mercurial Tones
- Meta Technologies, Inc.
- Metropolitan Recordings
- Metrozero Records
- MF Records
- Miami Boys
- Michelle Ayers
- Micro Sound Records
- Middleborn
- Midnight Operators
- Midnight People
- Mighty Quinn
- Milano Records
- Miles Away
- Milk & Sugar Recordings
- Mindseye
- Minus Mal's Records
- Minutes Of Luck
- Mirror Records
- Mirror Trax
- Mix Atom
- Mixroom
- Mixtape Meditation
- Mixto Records
- Mixupload RUS
- MLP Music Label
- MMAN Recordings
- Modal Records
- Modesouth Records
- Mojito Bar Club
- Mokapella
- Mondklang
- Monikkr Music
- Monotiv Records
- Monsoons
- Monstercat
- Monza Ibiza Records
- Moodstreet Music
- Möonbabe Records
- Moonbootique
- Moonhacker
- Moonshine Records
- MORE Music
- More Than A Feeling
- Morris Vale
- Motor Records
- Motown
- Moustache Records
- Moving Waves
- Mr Cosmic Recordings
- Mr.Moutarde
- MSV Music
- MUMI Records
- Muse Music
- Music Advisor Recordings
- Music At Renaissance
- Music Destinations
- Music In A Tin
- Music Is Fun / House Of Latroit
- Music Plan Records
- Music Power Records
- Music Website
- Musica Diaz / Senorita
- Musicheads Electro
- Musichelp
- Musicpark Records
- Musik Records
- Mustache Crew Records
- Mutaflor
- Myray Entertainment
- NachtEin.TagAus
- NaCl
- Naeba Records
- Nala Music
- Nation Of Language
- Natura Sonoris
- Natura Viva
- Natura Viva Black
- NDM Music
- Nero Bianco
- Netswork Records
- Never Forget Loyalty
- New Arcades
- New York Haunted
- Nice & Nasty
- Nick Marks
- Nidra Music
- Night Air Records
- Nimbus Records
- Nimi Music
- Ninja Tune
- Nip N Tuck Music
- Nixrecords
- NJuice
- NM Records
- No Definition
- No One's Lost
- No Sense Necessary
- Noir Désir
- Noise Reduction Records
- Normtusa
- Northern Quarter Records
- NorwaySounds
- Nothing Is Real
- Nouveau Niveau Records
- Nouveaudisque
- NOV4 Records
- Noyz N The Hood
- Nu Club Records
- Nu Funk Recordings
- Nu Soul Records
- Nude Disco Records
- Nuloud
- Numerique
- NYON Records
- O.T.R.O. Discos
- Obazda
- Ocata Records
- Ocean Trax Music Srl - The Saifam Group Srl
- Odessa Mama Records
- OHM Deep State
- Old School Production
- Old Skool Records
- Old Tacoma Records
- Ombra International
- On Air
- Onde Productions
- One House Records
- One Records
- One To Nine Music
- OneLuvFM Productions
- OPAC Records
- Opalescent Sounds
- Opine
- Optimo Music Digital Danceforce
- Oracle Music
- Orangemachine
- Orbit Axis Spin
- Orbita Project
- Organic Electronic Music
- Otrebor
- Otticino Music
- Ouana Records
- Out Records
- Outergalactic Music
- Oxford
- Oxygen House Music
- Özey
- Pacificrhythm
- Pairing
- Palette Recordings
- Papa Music 2.0
- Papadosio
- Paper Pools
- Paper Rocket Music GmbH
- Paradise Children Records
- Paradox Tunes
- Parquet Recordings
- Partiu Bala
- Pascal Brishoual
- Passarella Records
- Past Due Records
- Pb Music
- Pearl Recordings
- Pechaww Label
- Peer Southern Productions
- Peermusic ITALY
- Penrose Records
- Pequeña Records
- Peralta Entertainment
- Percep-tion
- Perfect Havoc
- Perlair
- Pest Palace Records
- Peyton Music
- Phantom Island
- Phat Fuel Records
- Phobiq
- Phone Robots Music
- Phoxup Records
- Phreak Recordings
- Phunkwerk
- Phunky Data
- Pimprinella
- Pina.nikolada.records
- PINO Music
- Piston Recordings
- Placcebo INC
- Plaid Hawaii LLC
- Planet 66
- Planet Blue Records USA
- Plankton Repellent
- Plastic Frequency Records
- Plasticity Records (ES)
- Plastik People Digital
- Play My Track Recordings
- Play Pal Music
- Play This! Records
- Playbox Music
- PLAYEDIT Records
- Pleobeatz
- Plot At Home Records
- PLU Records
- Plugged In Records
- Poetry In Motion
- Poison Beat
- Poker Flat Recordings
- Polyamid
- Polyoto
- Poolside Recordings
- Poor Child Records
- Pop///tronica
- Porridge Bullet
- Positiva
- Positive Electronic Music
- Potion Records
- Pour La Vie
- Prime Numbers
- Proconwire
- Profimusic
- Project Traction
- Proku Records
- Prom Night Records
- Promo
- Protocal Recordings
- Protocol Recordings
- Psycologic Records
- Pulp Punch Records
- Pulse Wave
- Punta Del Este Records
- Pure Colors (Joseph Tuholski)
- Pure Records
- Purified Records
- Purple Pop Rocks Digital
- Purveyor Underground
- Push Communications
- Quadriga Recordings
- Quadrophon
- Quarter Music
- Queen House Music
- Quite Right
- R.A.N.D. Muzik Recordings
- R.A.N.D. Muzik X Echocentric
- Rabotat Records
- Rad Summer
- Radikon
- Radio FM
- Rag Order
- Raibano Records
- Rainbow Mode
- Raindrop
- Rainforest Music
- Rariki Records
- RaveUp Alley
- Raving Society
- Raw Underground Music
- Rawls Music
- Ray Ramon Records
- Ray Violet
- RAYV Records
- Re:vibe Audio
- Re:vibe Music
- ReaXion
- Rebelpark
- Recovery House
- Recovery Tech
- Red Island Productions
- Red Night Recordings
- Red Plane Underground
- Redisco
- Redlight Music
- Reduplicate
- Reflex Recordings
- Reign Recordings
- Remmah
- Renaissance Digital
- Repotrax
- RetroSynth Records
- Return To Forever
- Revenge Music
- Revsun
- RevWrite Music
- RH2
- Rhode Island
- Rianu Keevs
- Ritmosfera Club
- Rock The Party
- Rockette Records
- Rocky Beach Music
- Romance Moderne
- Rosban Records
- Rotten City Files
- Royal Athlete
- Royal Casino Records
- Royal Soul
- Rubin
- Ruli Media
- Rummelplatzmusik
- Rurutu
- Russiamusic
- S.M.A.S.H. Records
- SadBois
- Salah Khaili Music
- Samo Records
- Samy Jebari
- San Agustín
- Sanlucar Records
- Santi Creative Group
- Sapphire Records
- Save The Nightlife
- SC Prod
- Scissor & Thread
- Se-Lek-Shuhn
- Secret Squat
- See The Sea Records
- Sektor Evolution
- Selebogo Capital Records
- Sensitive Records
- Sensual Mood Music
- Sepia Music
- Séptimo Sello
- Seven Stars
- Seven Villas
- Seventy Four Digital
- Several Roots
- Shaddock
- Shattered Nights
- Shawn Jay
- She's Super
- She's Super Disco
- Shibiza Recordings
- ShiftAxis Records
- Shizo Van De Sunflower Musik
- Shtanze
- Shvarts Muzika
- SiameSound Records
- Sicknation Vitamina Recordings
- Side ONE Music
- Sidewayz Records
- Sierra Records
- Silent Running Scandal
- Silver Nail Records
- Sirion Records
- Sirup Music
- Skull And Bones
- Skuniversal
- Smily-Records
- Smoked Out Soul
- Smooth Operators
- Snaxx Music Co.
- Snorkel
- Sobel Nation Records
- Sobel Nation Records
- Sobel Promotions
- Sobol Tunes
- SOL Records
- Sola Recordings
- Solaris Records
- Soledrat Records
- Solid Discos
- Solid State Disco
- Solid Techno Sound
- Somanymusic
- Something & Other Records
- Something Happening Somewhere
- Son Of A Preacher
- SONA Musik
- Sonar Records
- Sondae Records
- Sonic Art Music
- Sonic Digital
- Sonic Nomads
- Sonic Ritual
- Sonora Digital
- SonoRage
- Sony Music
- Sophisticated Elite
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Все жанры
Все жанры
Soulful, Tribal, Vocal
House - Soulful & Vocal
Vocal House, Soulful
House - Tribal
Tribal House
Indie Dance - Nu Disco
Disco, Indie Dance
Progressive House
House, Melodic
Techno - Deep
Electro, Industrial, Dub
Defected In The House Miami '12 mixed by Noir, Treasure Fingers & Franky Rizardo
Reset!, Storm Queen, Claptone, Geishatwins, Roman D'Amour, Noir, Treasure Fingers, Broke One, Franky Rizardo, Toni Toni Lee, Pillowtalk, Loaded DICE, Daniel Solar, Hunter_Game, Malente, Tevo Howard, Aarón Pérez, Tracey Thorn, Matt Soda, RUBIX, Maceo Plex, Toky, Chez Damier, Haze, Tuccillo, Huxley, DJ Ali, Vaggio, Tim Fuller, Skitzofrenix, Born To Funk, DJ T., Khan, Leroy Styles, Bryan Dalton, Borderline, Volante, Detroit Grand Pubahs, The 2 Bears, Nouveau Yorican, Nicolas Masseyeff, Kevin Saunderson, Intruder (A Murk Production), Inner City, Jei, Mk, Lifelike, Tale Of Us, Martin Thompson, Ian Pooley, Hot Since 82, Steve Bug, Solomun, Matt Tolfrey, DJ Chus, Clockwork, Marc Romboy, John Roman, Kenny Larkin
Defected presents Chocolate Puma In The House
Rick Collins, Nil By Mouth, Rampa, Meggy, Riva Starr, Chocolate Puma, Major Lazer, Colonel Red, Romanthony, Gregor Salto, Dachshund, Quenum, David K, Boemklatsch, Opium, Aloe Blacc, Kraak & Smaak, René Et Gaston, Gerardo Rosales, Big World, Franky Rizardo, Markus Binapfl, Antranig, Duke Dumont, Chilly Gonzales, Catz 'n Dogz, Nick Fiorucci, Monty Luke, SOUP, Phil Kieran, Shadow Child, Chez Damier, Supernova, Claude VonStroke, J. Phlip, X-Press 2, Alison Limerick, Ben Westbeech, Firebeatz, Xakosa, Mowgli, The Martin Brothers, Lorenzo Kurizu, Deetron, Rene Amesz, John Roman, moguai, Julio Bashmore
Defected presents Dimitri From Paris Back In The House
Elise, The KDMS, WebQueawry, Dimitri From Paris, Mercury, Soul Clap, Tim Benton, Poolside, Holy Ghost!, KAINE, Mauvais Cliché, Kathy Diamond, Loaded DICE, Marshall Jefferson, Pitchben, Curtis McClain, Miguel Campbell, Kikumoto Allstars, Wagon Cookin', Mr V, Odille Lima, Carlos Mena, Storm Queen, Pablo Fierro, DJ Rocca, Moullinex, The Magician, El Freakadell, Jeppe, Tyson, DJ T., Sebastien Tellier, Cari Golden, Midnight Magic, Tommie Sunshine, Faze Action, Frankie Knuckles, Fury, Director's Cut, Playgroup, Jamie Principle, KC Flightt, Deux, Jonas Rathsman, Volta Bureau, Elz, MKTL, Morgan Geist, MAM, Mario Basanov, Tiger & Woods, Terry Hunter, Maceo Plex, Kenny Dope
Defected presents Most Rated 2013
NiCe7, Cloud 9, Rampa, Meggy, Luca C, Andy Daniell, Brigante, Tensnake, Sante, Syron, Lorenzo Hall, Hot Natured, Supernova, Ali Love, Lee Curtiss, Pirupa, Debbie Rennalds, Disclosure, Michel Cleis, Eats Everything, Nathan Barato, Maceo Plex, Los Suruba, Solomun, Louisahhh, Candi Staton, Mulder (NL), Róisín Murphy, Kraak & Smaak, Romanthony, Pete Tong, Kate Simko, S.Y.F., Jem Cooke, Kevin Hedge, Nick Curly, Rick Galactik, Infinity Ink, Yousef, Grand Corporation, Jeremy Glenn, Gregory Porter, Flashmob, DUSKY, Larse, Joris Voorn , Mano Le Tough, Hot Since 82, Dennis Ferrer, Deetron, Opolopo
Ushuaia Ibiza The Album - The Unexpected Session Volume 1
Michael Woods, Candi Staton, Harrison Crump, Tierra Nevaeh, Ushuaia DJs, Benoit & Sergio, Nicky Romero, Miguel Campbell, John Christian, Solomun, Nilson, Ali Love, Crazibiza, Kali, Yousef, Todd Terry, Flashmob, Mighty Dub Katz, Laila Walker, Waifs & Strays, ARTY, FCL, GTA, Jamie Jones, Henrix, Loco Dice, Digital LAB, Rachel Row, Hard Rock Sofa, Swanky Tunes, Nick Curly, Random Crash, Rachel K Collier, Alexander East, Prok & Fitch, Kraak & Smaak, David Amo, Julio Navas, Rober Gaez, Tim Mason, Dirty South, Deniz Koyu, Ashley Beedle, Sonny Fodera, My Digital Enemy, Hot Since 82, Iban Reus, Lookback, Alesso, San Soda, KiNK, Adam Port, East & Young, Fred Everything
Defected presents Chocolate Puma In The House
Xakosa, Rick Collins, Nil By Mouth, Rampa, Meggy, Chocolate Puma, Riva Starr, Colonel Red, Major Lazer, Groove Decade, Romanthony, Dachshund, Quenum, Boemklatsch, David K, Aloe Blacc, Opium, Kraak & Smaak, Gregor Salto, René Et Gaston, Gerardo Rosales, Big World, Franky Rizardo, Markus Binapfl, Antranig, Duke Dumont, Chilly Gonzales, Catz 'n Dogz, Nick Fiorucci, Monty Luke, SOUP, Phil Kieran, Shadow Child, Chez Damier, Supernova, Claude VonStroke, J. Phlip, X-Press 2, Alison Limerick, Ben Westbeech, Firebeatz, Mowgli, Lorenzo Kurizu, The Martin Brothers, Deetron, Rene Amesz, John Roman, moguai, Julio Bashmore
Defected presents Most Rated Miami 2013
Franky Rizardo, Tess Leah, Waze & Odyssey, WAFF, KORT, S.Chu, Andy Daniell, Mila Falls, FCL, Pablo Fierro, Tube & Berger, Chicken Lips, Sante, Hot Since 82, Filthy Rich, Nick Curly, Oskar Offermann, Jamie Jones, Kevin Over, Scuba, Giano, Rachel Row, Mikey V, Flashmob, Laila Walker, Waifs & Strays, NR&, Loco Dice, Lindstrøm, Todd Terje, Harrison Crump, Tierra Nevaeh, Johnny Corporate, Copyright, Supernova, Nasser Baker, San Soda, NiCe7, Eats Everything, Osunlade, Russ Yallop, KiNK, Sonny Fodera, Robosonic
All Gone Pete Tong & Skream Miami 2013
Sophie, Hot Since 82, Frankie Dep, Phreek Plus One, Maelstrom, Pete Tong, FeroX, Skream, Sui Generis, Hot Natured, Midland, Ardalan, Chris Malinchak, Oscar Luweez, Infinity Ink, J. Phlip, Rachel Row, XXXY, Tong & Rogers, Krystal Klear, Chicken Lips, Jenna G, Breach, Jamie Jones, Dark Sky, Maya Jane Coles, Last Magpie, FCL, Charles B., Joseph Marinetti, Solomun, Duke Dumont, Miguel Campbell, Pachanga Boys, Celsius, Justin Martin, Monkey Safari, Benoit & Sergio, Close, Charlene Soraia, Scuba, Danny Serrano, Dave Spoon, Eats Everything, San Soda, DUSKY, George FitzGerald
Tapesh, Mark Reeve, La Fleur, Arthur Baker, Jimmy Somerville, Karizma, Hong, Stefano Noferini, Richy Pitch, Frankie Knuckles, Osunlade, Director's Cut, So Phat!, Jamie Principle, Kings Of Tomorrow, Chocolate Puma, April Morgan, Colonel Red, Oliver Klein, Cajmere, Kolombo, Dajae, Luca Bacchetti, ATFC, Guti, DJ Gregory, Tom De Neef, Gregor Salto, René Et Gaston, C.9ine, The Normalites, Kholi, Shuya Okino, Navasha Daya, Tony Lionni, The MuthaFunkaz, Ian Pooley, The Believers, Derrick 'DLow' Singfield, Blaze, Spencer Parker, Joris Voorn , Solomun, The Shapeshifters, Sandy Rivera, Pete Gooding, Jacques Renault, DJ Spen, Atjazz, Joyce Muniz
Ushuaia Ibiza - The Club Album
Osunlade, Mark Fanciulli, Mark Knight, Mendo, Yvan Genkins, Andy Daniell, John Spring, Parallel Dance Ensemble, Jonas Rathsman, Bazar, Franky Rizardo, Chez Damier, Mowgli, Amber Jolene, Zombie Disco Squad, Jay Shepheard, OMAR, Claptone, Pirupa, UNER, Huxley, Supernova, Daniel Dubb, Flashmob, Scuba, Daniel Steinberg, Blaze, Storm Queen, Kevin Saunderson, Inner City, Kellerkind, Noir, Haze, Recloose, B. Slade, Volta Bureau, Argy, Franco Cinelli, Maxxi Soundsystem, Maceo Plex, Steve Bug, Freaks, BiteOfire, Mk, James Talk, Subb-an
Defected In The House Miami 2013
Superheroes, Charlie Demir, Jimpster, Enky, Guy Gerber, Jaw, Luciano, Flashmob, Kerri Chandler, Supernova, Dave Aju, Pirupa, A Guy Called Gerald, Jennifer Neal, Nick Curly, Dam Swindle, Brawther, Michael Melchner, Nathan Barato, Blaze, Pele, Rachel Row, Shawnecy, Paolo Driver, MotorCitySoul, Zoobof, Sofia Belen, Kris Wadsworth, Bimas, Mr G, Ruben Mandolini, Hot Chip, Paco Maroto, EdOne, Laila Walker, Ramiro Lopez, Tapesh, Miguel Lobo, Dayne S, Basti Grub, Harrison Crump, Landmark, Tierra Nevaeh, Kres, Frederic Mos, Kevin Over, Leon (Italy), Private One, Toky, Danniel Selfmade, Andrea Oliva, Seth Troxler, Subb-an, Osunlade, George FitzGerald, Matthias Tanzmann, Dirty Channels, KiNK, La Force, Todd Terje, Sonny Fodera
Erik Hecht, Chocolate Puma, Nouveau Yorican, 4th Measure Men, Dennis Ferrer, Andy Daniell, Miguel Campbell, Osunlade, Deetron, Maceo Plex, Mk, James Talk, Ridney, Frankie Knuckles, Max C, Director's Cut, Stefano Noferini, Jamie Principle, Franky Rizardo, Intruder (A Murk Production), Stuffa, Jei, David A Tobin, Todd Terry, The Gypsymen, Kings Of Tomorrow, April, Danny Daze, Tom Middleton, Louisahhh, Imaani, Jean Jacques Smoothie, Soul Cartel, Tara Busch, Ian Pooley, Tuccillo, Hot Natured, Ali Love, Noir, Haze, ATFC, Lisa Shaw, Dirty South, Those Usual Suspects, Maya Jane Coles, Atjazz, Round Table Knights, Taras Van De Voorde, Copyright, Dcup, Solomun
Sunset Sessions - Key West, Florida
Guy Robin, Lucy Randell, Afterlife, Cathy Battistessa, Aaron Ross, Stuffa, Danism, David A Tobin, Jean Jacques Smoothie, Tuccillo, Tara Busch, Ion Ludwig, Tom Middleton, Osunlade, Home & Garden, Colette, Simbad, Duff Disco, Brian Temba, Torquato, Boghosian, Atelewo, Zoo Look, Atlantic Fusion, Daniel Bovie, Roy Rox, Santos, Luca Bacchetti, Guti, Nadirah Shakoor, Ray Foxx, Chris Nazuka, Newland, DJ Vivona, Jade, Nail, Dualton, Sean Miller, Jovonn, Crazy P, Wolf + Lamb, Matt Phantom, Ron Trent, QB Smith, Martin Iveson
Playboy Sessions: Paris mixed by Michael Canitrot
Amber Jolene, Ghosts Of Venice, Errol Reid, Trent Cantrelle, Soul Central, Michael Canitrot, Noir, Haze, Daddy’s Groove, Morgan Page, Köra, Sultan, Ned Shepard, Gigamesh, BT, Induce, Angela McCluskey, The Miracles Club, Nico De Andrea, Lifelike, Yasmeen, Kris Menace, Ron Carroll, Martin Dawson, NRG, Dirty South, Thomas Gold, Afterlife, Kate Elsworth, The UK Shapeshifters, Peter, C-Dock, The Magician, Ant Brooks, Storm Queen, Zoo Brazil, Rasmus Kellerman, Roman D'Amour, Treasure Fingers, Malente, Flight Facilities, Jess, Myomi, MJ Cole, Supernova, Tristan Garner, Solomun, Crazy P, Cassian, Hard Rock Sofa, Michael Calfan, Maceo Plex, Hideo Kobayashi, Aeroplane
Defected presents Dimitri From Paris Back In The House
Elise, The KDMS, WebQueawry, Dimitri From Paris, Mercury, Soul Clap, Tim Benton, Poolside, Holy Ghost!, KAINE, Mauvais Cliché, Kathy Diamond, Loaded DICE, Marshall Jefferson, Pitchben, Curtis McClain, Miguel Campbell, Kikumoto Allstars, Wagon Cookin', Mr V, Odille Lima, Carlos Mena, Storm Queen, Pablo Fierro, DJ Rocca, Moullinex, The Magician, El Freakadell, Jeppe, Tyson, DJ T., Sebastien Tellier, Cari Golden, Midnight Magic, Tommie Sunshine, Faze Action, Frankie Knuckles, Fury, Director's Cut, Playgroup, Jamie Principle, KC Flightt, Deux, Jonas Rathsman, Volta Bureau, Elz, MKTL, Morgan Geist, MAM, Mario Basanov, Tiger & Woods, Terry Hunter, Maceo Plex, Kenny Dope
Mano Le Tough, Butch, Tom Demac, Heaven And Earth, Mugwump, Sneak Essentials, DJ Sprinkles, Basic Soul Unit, Zev, Armando, Phase II, Tiger & Woods, Tensnake, Carol Williams, Al Usher, Boom Clap Bachelors, Lovebirds, Shirley Lites, KAINE, Kathy Diamond, Michael Mayer, The Wizard Brian Coxx, Mount Kimbie, Ame, Louie ‘Balo’ Guzman, Coyote, Still Going, Jamie Jones, Ewan Pearson, Klas Lindblad, Danilo Plessow, Filippo Moscatello, Kenny Glasgow, Jonny White, Prins Thomas, Gerd Janson, Phillip Lauer, Chris Todd, Steffen 'Dixon' Berkhahn
Peven Everett, Andy Daniell, KAINE, Kathy Diamond, Zoo Look, Youandewan, E Smoove, Latanza Waters, Wookie, Lain, Olene Kadar, D-Low, Newland, DJ Vivona, Jade, Kings Of Tomorrow, April, UPZ Aka Avi Elman, Jocelyn Mathieu, Iz & Diz, DJ Gregory, Born To Funk, Guti, Luca Bacchetti, Julien Jabre, Jacques Renault, Jimpster, Ian Pooley, Aaron Ross
Copyright, Shovell, Haji, Emanuel, Kings Of Tomorrow, Stephan Bodzin, April, Marc Romboy, Aki Bergen, Carmen Sherry, Jeremy Olander, Simbad, Brian Temba, KORT, Tom Middleton, Youandewan, KAINE, Micky More, Kathy Diamond, Angela Johnson, Olene Kadar, Bass Kleph, D-Low, Filthy Rich, Swanky Tunes, Soul Purpose, Kim Fai, David Penn, Monia Amore, Stefano Noferini, Rober Gaez, Ruben Alvarez, Daren J Bell, 4th Measure Men, Olav Basoski, Colorsound, Supernova, Kevin Saunderson, Nouveau Yorican, Chocolate Puma, Marco Lys, Joris Voorn , Dirty South, Maya Jane Coles, Mario Basanov, Rasmus Faber, Ramon Tapia
Nikki Beach In The House mixed by ATFC
Erik Hagleton, Fredelux, Roy Davis Jr, J.Noize, ATFC, Kaye Fox, Roman Rosati, Mark Fanciulli, Cassius, Ben Westbeech, Dario Nunez, Larse, J-Glass, Osunlade, Bobkomyns, Mastiksoul, Guy Robin, Gregor Salto, Human Life, DJ Meme Presents Brazilianism, Olav Basoski, Fred Pellichero, Roul And Doors, Giampiero Ponte, Michael Mendoza, The Good Men, Green Velvet, Arthur Baker, Russoul, Jimmy Somerville, DJ Gregory, Darren Correa, Mehrbod, The Heartists, Maya Sega, Blaze, Rills, The Original, Sherry St Germain, Tony Guerra, Juan Carlos Herrera, James Talk, Ridney, Joris Voorn , Aeroplane, Joey Negro, Ame, Muzzaik, David Morales, Grant Nalder, Basement Jaxx, Tony Arzadon, Joyce Muniz , Chris Garcia
Playboy Sessions: Paris mixed by Michael Canitrot
Amber Jolene, Ghosts Of Venice, Errol Reid, Trent Cantrelle, Soul Central, Michael Canitrot, Noir, Haze, Daddy’s Groove, Morgan Page, Köra, Sultan, Ned Shepard, Gigamesh, BT, Induce, Angela McCluskey, The Miracles Club, Nico De Andrea, Lifelike, Yasmeen, Kris Menace, Ron Carroll, Martin Dawson, NRG, Dirty South, Thomas Gold, Afterlife, Kate Elsworth, The Shapeshifters, Peter, C-Dock, The Magician, Ant Brooks, Storm Queen, Zoo Brazil, Rasmus Kellerman, Roman D'Amour, Treasure Fingers, Malente, Flight Facilities, Jess, Myomi, MJ Cole, Supernova, Tristan Garner, Solomun, Crazy P, Cassian, Hard Rock Sofa, Michael Calfan, Maceo Plex, Hideo Kobayashi, Aeroplane
Copyright In The House Hong Kong '11
Marshall Jefferson, Taras Van De Voorde, One Track Minds, Shovell, Ray Foxx, Quentin Harris, Ultra Naté, Lauer, Steffi, Canard, Virginia, Benoit, Human Life, Sérgio, Gregor Salto, Copyright, Nuwella Love, Aphrodisiax, Born To Funk, Oliver Klein, Kolombo, Bas Amro, Hot Natured, Ali Love, Osunlade, Lulo Cafe, Nothende, Joyce Muniz , Sketch, Hardsoul, Chappell, Michael Mendoza, Genairo Nvilla, KORT, Chocolate Puma, Director's Cut, Mike Dunn, Ame, The Layabouts
Nikki Beach In The House mixed by The Shapeshifters
Felly, Kevin Saunderson, David Penn, Shovell, Cevin Fisher, Nouveau Yorican, Stuffa, David A Tobin, Maya Jane Coles, James Talk, Monia Amore, Shonky, Ridney, Tom Middleton, Max C, Sol Brothers, Steffen Deux, Roman Rosati, Kathy Brown, Silt, Shermanology, Frankie Knuckles, Sergio Flores, Director's Cut, Joy Malcolm, Jamie Principle, Knee Deep, Sandy Rivera, Crazy P, Virus J, Maher Daniel, Nathan G, Danism, Mary Griffin, Timmy Regisford, Lynn Lockamy, The Shapeshifters, Dennis Ferrer, Roy McLaren, Osunlade, Human Life, Simone Vitullo, Julien Jabre, Lady Vale, Margaret Grace, DJ Chus, Bass Kleph, Richie Santana, Filthy Rich, Jason Chance, Rober Gaez, Michelle Weeks, Menini, Viani, Stan Courtois, Supernova, Roul And Doors, Copyright, OBJ, Abel Ramos, Born To Funk, JoeySuki, Jazz-N-Groove, DJ Meme, Atjazz, La Cage, Brown Sugar, Kid Shakers
Defected presents Most Rated Ibiza 2012
Blond:ish, Xakosa, Rick Collins, Flashmob, Pirupa, Andy Daniell, Intruder (A Murk Production), Tom Trago, Rae, Joris Voorn , Jamie Jones, Franky Rizardo, Art Department, Supernova, Doctor Dru, Mendo, Guy Gerber, Yvan Genkins, Finnebassen, James Silk, Jonas Rathsman, Simon Mattson, Solo, Tobias Manou, Syron, Bad Zuke, Noir, Chocolate Puma, Haze, Mitomi Tokoto, Shurakano, NiCe7, Jay Shepheard, Starkillers, Natalie Peris, The White Lamp, Copyright, Le Vinyl, Melohman, Javi Bora, Danism, Mowgli, Lazaro Casanova, Carl Craig, KORT, Subb-an, Norman Doray, Zombie Disco Squad, Eats Everything, Christophe, Something Good
Freesoul, DC Salas, Spyro, Juan Corbi, Kings Of Tomorrow, Elzi Hall, Le Vinyl, Melohman, Javi Bora, Noir, Haze, Afefe Iku, Metro Area, Marc Evans, Migosy, Moonwalk, Daniel Solar, Djinji Brown, Rob Mello, Deep Fiction, Nadirah Shakoor, Torquato, Boghosian, Jimmy Abney, Nomumbah, Lars Von Licht, Rudimental, Swag, Lovebirds, Rancido
Sunset Sessions - Negril, Jamaica
Peven Everett, Moonwalk, Andrew Soul, Shovell, Juan Corbi, The Latin Hooligans, Nick Curly, Millok, Zigelli, Sandy Rivera, Alisa Fedele, Mood II Swing, Pedro Carrilho, Grand Corporation, Jeremy Glenn, Greenville Massive, Habischman, Kevin Hedge, Rick Galactik, Afefe Iku, Torquato, Boghosian, Brett Johnson, Death On The Balcony, No Dial Tone, Djamila, Bah Samba Presents Shake The Dog, Currambero De Gamero, Santos, Tarantulaz, Mario Basanov, Blaze, Severino, Mic Newman
Nikki Beach Koh Samui mixed by Sandy Rivera
Aaaron, Ron Allen, Chach, Sandy Rivera, West Magnetic, Chasing Kurt, Raevv'n, Rachel Row, Jesse Rose, Arama, Loverdose, Sabb, Copyright, Rafa Barrios, Jody Findley, Kings Of Tomorrow, Noir, April Morgan, Oliver Schories, Kevin McKay, Gabe, Thomaz Krauze, DotSTRIPE, Wallflower, Huxley, Shenoda, Jacques Greene, Rae, Cristoph, Guti, UnoMas (MIA), Leix, Samu, Dino & Terry, FCL, Victor Marsó, Niconé, Sascha Braemer, Larry Heard, Louie Vega, Koreless, C. Castel
Nikki Beach Koh Samui mixed by Sandy Rivera
Guti, UnoMas (MIA), Aaaron, Ron Allen, Sandy Rivera, Chach, Chasing Kurt, Rachel Row, West Magnetic, Raevv'n, Loverdose, Jesse Rose, Sabb, Arama, Rafa Barrios, Kings Of Tomorrow, Copyright, April Morgan, Jody Findley, Kevin McKay, Noir, Gabe, Oliver Schories, Thomaz Krauze, DotSTRIPE, Name One, Maxxi Soundsystem, Wallflower, Huxley, Shenoda, Jacques Greene, Rae, Cristoph, Leix, Samu, Dino & Terry, FCL, Victor Marsó, Niconé, Sascha Braemer, Larry Heard, Louie Vega, Koreless, C. Castel
Sunset Sessions - Cable Beach, Australia
Wallflower, Fosky, Luke Solomon, Terry Grant, Juan Corbi, Pipes, Osunlade, Art Of Tones, Dennis Ferrer, Tanya Michelle, Janelle Kroll, Bimas, Djinji Brown, Guti, Mark Fanciulli, Inaya Day, Boe & Zak, Route 94, Noir, Lomez, Atnarko, Symbol, Terri Walker, Gorge, Cuebur, Marissa Guzman, Sandy Rivera, Boghosian, Afefe Iku, Boddhi Satva, Hollis P Monroe, Overnite, Archie Pelago, The Crooked Man, André Hommen, Andrea Oliva, Jimpster, Mario Basanov
Defected presents The Closing Party Ibiza 2012
Funky Fat, Digitaria, No Dial Tone, Djamila, Christian Burkhardt, Andy Daniell, Volta Bureau, Candi Staton, Junior, Storm Queen, Adam Port, Jonas Rathsman, Franky Rizardo, Pirupa, KORT, NiCe7, Sarah Main, Dop, Lucia Cassini, Pillowtalk, James Silk, Rampa, Le Vinyl, Meggy, Melohman, Noir, Javi Bora, Haze, Sandy Rivera, Alisa Fedele, SIS, Sante, MD X-Spress, Alfred Taylor, Round Table Knights, Copyright, Ann Saunderson, H.O.S.H., MALONDA, Hot Since 82, Supernova, Mic Newman, Larse, Mercury, Solomun
Brazilianism, ATFC, Arno Cost, KAINE, Kathy Diamond, Ray Foxx, Duff Disco, Chocolate Puma, Julien Jabre, Colonel Red, Isolee, Roy Davis Jr, J.Noize, Iz & Diz, Kaye Fox, Osunlade, Atlantic Fusion, DJ Gregory, Kings Of Tomorrow, DJ Pippi, Pasion Flamenca, Roul And Doors, Zoo Look, Olav Basoski, Copyright, Shovell, Biboulakis, Nina Zeitlin, Max C, David Tort, Storm Queen, Human Life, Trescem, Youandewan, Guti, Luca Bacchetti, Nuwella Love, DJ Meme, Mario Basanov, Freeform Five, James Talk, Ridney, East & Young, Jimpster
Ushuaia Ibiza - The Beach Album
Infinity Ink, Mario Basanov, Softwar, Youandewan, Andy Daniell, Daniel Bovie, Greg Paulus, Roy Rox, Afterlife, Ray Foxx, Rampi, Tuccillo, Miss Bee, Discodromo, Evan Evans, Maya Jane Coles, Julien Jabre, Mark E, Jupiter, Jeremy Glenn, Todd Terje, DJ Nibc, Tiger & Woods, Anthony Mills, Behling, Simpson, Peter, John Talabot, The Magician, Pional, Mario, Vidis, Ernesto, Mitzi, Danism, Tornado Wallace, Dana Bergquist, Peder G, Runaway, Tensnake, Jimpster, Ray Mang, Perseus, Casino Times, Bonar Bradberry, Crazy P, Midnight Savari
Nikki Beach Miami mixed by Miguel Migs & Roman Rosati
Etnix, Intruder (A Murk Production), Jei, Mendo, Andre Butano, Chez Damier, Miguel Migs, Roman Rosati, Shur-I-Kan, Magnifik, Mehrbod, Chris Garcia, Evelyn ‘Champagne’ King, Jus Charlie, 6th Borough Project, Lamessa, Donn T, Lisa Millett, J&M Brothers, Freska, Shades Of Gray, Landmark, Larse, Nacho Marco, Fred Pellichero, Christian Malloni, Robbie Groove, Mattias, Loaded DICE, Cece Rogers, OMAR, Master Freez, Scott Diaz, Husky, Da Sunlounge, Lisa Shaw, Hotbox, Noir, Haze, Mowgli, Amber Jolene, Erik Hagleton, Supernova, Nightriders, Mike Vale, Katorski, Andre Lodemann, Crazibiza, Solomun
Sunset Sessions - Cable Beach, Australia
Wallflower, Fosky, Luke Solomon, Terry Grant, Juan Corbi, Pipes, Osunlade, Art Of Tones, Dennis Ferrer, Tanya Michelle, Janelle Kroll, Bimas, Djinji Brown, Guti, Mark Fanciulli, Inaya Day, Boe & Zak, Route 94, Noir, Lomez, Atnarko, Symbol, Terri Walker, Gorge, Cuebur, Marissa Guzman, Sandy Rivera, Boghosian, Afefe Iku, Boddhi Satva, Hollis P Monroe, Overnite, Archie Pelago, The Crooked Man, André Hommen, Andrea Oliva, Jimpster, Mario Basanov