This user is already exist ,please choose another Name
If you think someone else is using your name ,please send a request to: [email protected]
Register NOW to Music Worx for FREE!
Join the Music Worx community and profit of unlimited music download.
Hobby DJs and Music Consumers get a 30 Day free trial access. For Labels, Producers and Radio Stations the membership is for free.
Registration Rules
All with red * stars has to be fillout!
User Type
- You have to select your user type
- Your Email is the username
- The password must contain at least 6 characters and must have 1 number, 1 small letter and 1 capital letter
- Example password : Deeja1
Profile Picture
- Your picture needs the size 500 x 500 pix on 72dpi resolution in JPG format
How did you find out about Music Worx?
- Please select one option
Music Genres
- Please select at least 1 and max. 5 genres
- Select our Terms&Conditions
Got a Coupon?
- If you have a coupon code enter it here
Book your promotions on Music Worx
Your data will only be used for internal use so that we can send you statistics and feedbacks. There is no registration with Music Worx. If you wish, you can complete your details at a later date and register with Music Worx.
You can choose between our Music Worx community or our third party communities.
You can simply book a promotion without have to add the release to Music Worx if you don't want. But you have to know that you will reach much more response for it if you do so. On the page 'Release Options' you can choose which plan you want to use.
On both you have multiple selection.
Depending on your budget you can enable or disable later on step2 the promotions you don't need.
IMPORTANT: On the third party promotions we check your data with our partners before we charge your payment. As soon as this is done you will be informed by email. Your promotion will go out or start within 7 days.
We hope you will enjoy our services and if there is any questions you can contact us on [email protected]
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