- (MS)
- 1101 Records
- 23Recordings
- 33 Records
- 4 To The Floor Records
- 7AGE Music
- Above All Records
- Absinth Beats
- Acid Works
- Adaptor Recordings
- Adesso Music
- Afrinative Soul
- Airborne Artists Agency
- Alfresco Disco
- All Blak Records
- Alleviated Records
- Altra Moda Music
- Ametist Records
- Ammo Recordings
- Analog Solutions
- And Dance
- Andorfine Digital
- Aniara Recordings
- Animé Music
- Antidote Music
- AOU Entertainment
- Aparenzza Music
- Applique Music
- Apwood Recordings
- Architextures
- Armada Music Albums
- Armada Subjekt
- Armonica Records
- Artema Recordings
- Atlantics Records
- Attention.Inc Music
- Audibly Sounds
- Audio Lotion Recordings
- Audiobite Records
- Avenue 94
- Axxis
- AY YO TRIP! Records
- Bacci Bros Records
- Back2Basics
- Bambole Records
- Bang It
- Barcelona Beats Records
- Be An Ape
- Be Positive Records
- Be Told Lies
- BeatChic
- Beats For Sports
- Believe House Music
- Berlin Sensation
- Berry Parfait
- Best Of House Production
- BH Records
- Bid Muzik
- Big Room Records
- BIG Speaker Music
- Bikini Pop
- Bikini Sounds Special Marketing
- BIP Records
- Biskvit Records
- Black Bubble Records
- Black Lemon Records
- Blackrose Records
- Blankstairs
- Blu Fin Records
- Blue Coffee Records
- Blum Recordings
- Body Music
- Body'N Deep
- Bonzai Progressive
- Bootcamp
- Bootleg Beats
- Border Recordings
- Boxer Recordings
- Boxerdigi
- Boy's Deep
- Brazilian House Grooves
- Break New Soil Rec
- Breakdrum Recordsings
- Bright Star Records
- Brook Gee Records
- Budder Records
- Budenzauber
- Bunny Clan
- C Recordings
- Caballero Recordings
- Cacique Records
- Casa Club Records
- Cause Org Records
- Chart Series
- Check In Recordings
- Cherry Pepper Music
- Chill Cake Recordings
- Chillout Lounge Ibiza
- Choooose Records - New York
- Chuggy Traxx
- City Life
- City Noises
- City Soul Recordings
- Claps Records
- Claw Italia
- Clepsydra
- Clone
- Club Contact
- Club Guerillas
- Club Session
- Clublife Records
- Coco Groove Records
- CodeTen Music
- Coincidence Records
- Coldharbour Recordings
- Colore
- Colourizon
- Complex Textures
- Connected Sounds
- Cool Club Records
- Córdoba Music Group
- Crazay
- Crazyplug Records
- Creative-House
- Cut Rec
- Cyanide
- D-Town Compilations
- D33tro7 Records
- D4 D4NCE
- Dakota West Recordings
- Dance All Ways Digital
- Dance Supply
- DanceMania Recordings
- Dark Gadgets Recordings
- Dark Survey
- Dbeatzion Records
- Decadencia
- Dedust Black
- Deep Blue Eyes
- Deep Different
- Deep Fusion Records
- Deep Root Records
- Deep Tech Lab
- Deepalma Records
- Deepalma Soul
- Deeper Music
- DeepNHeat
- Defected Records
- Degrees Of Sounds
- Del Sol
- Delicious Records
- Delivery House
- DEZ Promotions
- Digital Dutch Dance
- Digital Room Records
- Digital Vinyl Recordings
- Dirty Humans
- Dirty Music
- Disco Machine Records
- Discoring
- Disposal Music Vibes
- Diva Records (Italy)
- DJ Stimax
- DJLykov
- Domega Records
- Domestic Division
- Doppelgänger
- Double Vision Studio Records
- Dream Light Records
- Dub Forest
- Duma West
- Dung Beetle Records
- Duqua Records
- DWA Records
- Dynamik Room Records
- Eastwood Label
- Echoes Of Tarab
- Eclipse Tribez
- Ego
- EGO/Lo_Fi
- Eightball Records Digital
- Eisenwaren
- El Born Records
- Electronic Italy Mood
- Electrophenetic
- Elicit Records
- Embarcadero Records
- Enormous Tunes
- ENUNDEM Music Entertainment
- EPM Music
- Erijo Gold
- Està Caliente
- Euphonic Visions
- Everlasting Sensation
- ExperimentalTech Records
- Extacy Records
- Extra Sound Recordings
- Fabrique Music Bundles
- Fabrique Recordings
- Faces
- Family House
- Fashion Deep
- Fashion Music Records
- Fashion Recovery
- Favorite Music
- Feel The Vibe
- Feiyr Compilation
- Festival Mainstage
- Final House Rec. (Spain)
- Fine Music
- Finish Team Records
- First Zone Records
- Fitsport Records
- Fiume Beat Rec.
- Flamboyant
- Flamingo Recordings
- Flatlife Records Digital
- Flip-Flops Records
- Flower Power
- Folklore Recordings
- Food Porn Music
- FOR DJ's
- Fresca / One Trybal
- Fresh Frequencies
- Ft.loh Records
- Future Culture
- Future Lab Recordings
- Future Sonic Media
- Future Soundz Bundles
- G&S House Music
- G-Mafia Records
- G.e.K. Records
- Gastspiel Records
- Gaya Recording
- Generika.com
- Gert Records
- Get Down Recordings
- Getbusy
- Ghostwork
- Gimme The Night
- Global Grooves
- Global Player Music
- Gold Deeper
- Gold Vibrations Records
- Golden Factory Records
- Golden Jukebox
- Good Vibes Only
- Great Stuff Recordings
- Green Alien Records
- Green Nights Records
- Groove Defined
- Groove Kulture
- Groove Nation
- Groove-ism
- Groovematics
- Groovy Firehorse 66
- Grossstadtvögel
- Grow Vibes Music
- GT Muzike
- Guajira Recordings
- Guilty Records
- GW Entertainment
- Gysnoize Recordings
- H.O.S Music
- Hallucienda
- Happy Techno Limited
- Happy Techno Music
- Hardcore 3Dcraft
- Haunebu III
- Higher Pulse
- Hit Factory
- Hoop Records
- Hot House Records
- House Connection
- House D'Arret
- House Dessert
- House Express
- House Freedom
- House Global Alliance
- House Heroes Music
- Housesession Records
- HouseU
- Houseu Tunes
- Housexplotation Records
- Hugh Recordings
- Humbatuque Records
- Hush Recordz
- Hyper Music Life
- I Love This Sound!
- Ibiza Love Records
- Ibiza Nature
- Iideo
- Im-moral
- Impressed Music
- In The Cause
- Infinite Pleasure
- Inspira Music
- Instant Groove Records
- Intersound Music
- Island Moods
- ITop
- Jazzed
- Jetsetter Music
- Jizoom
- Joyride Music
- Juicy Music
- Jukebox Giants Records
- Jumping Records
- Justo Records
- Kazardia Records
- Keep Calm Records
- Kigen Future House Sounds
- KINA Music
- King Street Sounds
- King Street Sounds (BEAT Music Fund)
- Kittball Records
- KMS Records (BEAT Music Fund)
- Knob Records
- Kollektor
- Kompakt
- Kryptofabbrikk
- KUMO Collective
- Kurtis Music
- Lautlos! Records
- Le Bien Et Le Mal Recordings
- Le Mans Recordings
- Level 95
- Lips Records
- Loci Records
- Lolipop Recordings
- Loop Play Records
- Lost & Found
- Lounge Bazar
- Lounge Masters
- Lovely Mood Music
- Lovestyle Records
- Lucidflow
- Lull Music
- LunaRu Travel Compilations
- Maccabi House
- MadGroup Recordings
- Madness-Room Prods
- Magic Comps
- Magical Comps
- Magnifique Musique
- Main Hall Sounds
- Maison Fauna
- MAITAI Records
- Mamasita
- Mambo Lab
- Mandarine Music
- Manholding Venture
- Material
- Material Trax
- Materialism
- Mavela Records
- MCR Records
- Mehr Musik
- Melodymathics
- Memoria Recordings
- Merge Layers
- Metro Beirut Records
- Metropolitan Recordings
- MF Records
- MiKan Digital
- Milano Records
- Milk & Sugar Recordings
- Minli Music New York
- Missile
- Mix Atom
- Mixroom
- MLP Music Label
- MMAN Recordings
- Mofalco Recordings
- Monstercat
- Moody Recordings
- Moon Recordings
- Moonbootique
- Moove Records
- MORE Music
- Moretin
- Music Man
- Musicheads Electro
- Musicheads Lounge
- Must Be On Wax
- Mustache Crew Records
- My Little Dog
- MYnz2rec
- Nasty Enterprises
- Natura Viva
- Natural Rhythm
- Nero Bianco
- Nero Nero Records
- Netswork International
- New Violence Records
- Next Dimension Music
- Next Gen Empire
- Nimbus Records
- Noir Sur Blanc Records
- Noisy Neighbours
- NorwaySounds
- Nouveau Niveau Records
- NOV4 Records
- O.T.R.O. Discos
- Obazda
- Oke Records
- Old School Production
- Ombra International
- Omnivore Rec.
- On Air
- One City Music Group
- Online Records
- Only Music Mixes
- Opalescent Sounds
- Orpheus Recordings
- OT Records
- Outlet Label
- Oxygen Box
- Oxygen House Music
- Paradox Tunes
- Party Time Organization
- Peace Tunes
- Perfect Driver Music
- Phatt Tunes Music
- Phono 1 Records
- PINO Music
- Piston Recordings
- Pixbae Records
- Pixelate
- Plano Records
- Plasmodia
- Plastic Recordings
- Play My Track Recordings
- Play This! Records
- Playbeatz Labels Network
- PLAYEDIT Records
- PMP Records
- Point House Records
- Popsystem Media
- Positive Electronic Music
- Premium Beats
- Privelege Music
- Pro Clubbin Records
- Profimusic
- Proper Slap Limited
- Punta Del Este Records
- Pure Music Label Group
- Purple Monkey
- Q Phonic Ent
- Quadrophon
- Queen Dance Records
- Queen House Music
- Quite Right
- Radiant Love
- Raumklang Music Berlin
- Re:vibe Audio
- Re:vibe Music
- Rebelpark
- Recovery House
- Recovery Tech
- Red Island Productions
- Red Kiss Records
- Red Plane Underground
- Reflective Music
- Reforma Records
- Relentless Music
- Rembulan Records
- Remmah
- Renaissance Digital
- Restore Music
- Revenge Music
- RH2
- Rhythm Dealers
- Ritual Poison
- Rocket Records
- Room 307
- Rotten City Files
- Royal Tracks
- Rubik Room
- Ruli Media
- RV Records
- S.M.A.S.H. Records
- Sa Trincha Recordings
- Safe Space
- Sanelow Label
- Sateshy Records
- Save The Nightlife
- Schimmer Records
- Sea Of Sand
- Selebogo Capital Records
- Sensual Mood Music
- Serious Diggers
- Seven Stars
- Seven Villas
- Seventy Four Digital
- Shibiza Recordings
- Sirup Music
- Six Sound Records
- Skull And Bones
- Sleep Is Commercial
- Slipmat
- Slow Horn
- Smily-Records
- Snitch Recordings
- Sobel Nation Records
- Sobel Nation Records
- Sofa Sessions
- Sola
- Solardish Records
- Solepieno Records
- Solid State Disco
- Something Happening Somewhere
- Somewhere
- SONA Musik
- Songspire Records
- Soul Candi Records
- Soul Clap Records
- Soul Stage
- Soul Touch Records
- Soul Treasure Records
- Soulful Cafe
- SoulMatters Recordings
- Soulsearcher Recordings
- Sound Supreme
- Soundz Good
- South London Recordings
- Speedsound
- Spiralation Media
- Starlounge
- State Of Techno Recordings
- Stereo Paradise
- Stereoheaven
- STMA Records
- Street Blaster Records
- Sugapop Records
- Suma Records
- Supercircus Records
- Supercluster Records
- SuperDuperSoul
- Superstyle Records
- Swat Rec
- Systematic Recordings
- Tech You Very Much!
- Tech-Asylum Recordings
- Techara Music
- Technosforza
- Techy Da Pink
- Tenor Recordings
- The Bodhi Tree Recordings
- The Crate
- The Discography Lessons
- The Ginger Club Music
- The Sin Records
- The Warrior Recordings
- There Was Jack
- Three Hands Records
- Tief Ltd
- Tiger Music
- Tiger Records
- Till Moonshine Records
- Toltecnica Records
- Ton Liebt Klang
- Tonrausch Recordings
- TONSPIEL Recordings
- Too Many Rules
- Torsion Music
- Trans X
- Traumfabrik
- treinta3tres
- Tribal Kitchen
- Triple Vision Music Group
- U-Ground Milano
- Uba Lua Records
- Ultimate Digital
- Ultrasonic
- Umusic Records
- Under No Illusion
- Under Station Records
- Unique House Records
- Uniting Souls Music
- Up-Tempo
- Upward Records
- Urban Code Records
- Utilized
- Vamos Music
- Vamos Music Talents
- Van Czar Series
- Variety Music
- Venus Records
- Vero Sound Records
- Via Mecenate Records
- Vinyl Loop Records
- Vivifier Records
- Vnylside
- Voltaire Music
- Wasabi Recordings
- Wednesday Recordings
- Weird Club House
- WEPLAY Music
- Wetsuit Recordings
- WeZienWel Records
- White Tonic Label
- Whynot? Records
- WiddFam
- Without Words
- Wizz Music
- WorldOfBrights
- WTF! Music
- Xarma Music
- Xclusive Records
- Yakamoz
- Yet Records
- Young Society Records
- Your Deep Is Not My Deep
- Zartha
- Zatar Music
- Zeitlos Music
- Zug Der Liebe
All Genres
All Genres
Hardstyle, Hard Techno, Hard Dance
Soulful, Tribal, Vocal
Techno - Deep
Electro, Industrial, Dub