- 3345 Music
- 3rd And Debut Records
- 4lienetic
- A.E. Records
- A.T.C. Records
- Achillea Music
- Aether Project
- Agaraki
- Alva
- Amalgama
- Anarchy In The Funk
- Animo
- Arbee
- Armada Music
- ARMProduction
- Artifice
- Arya Recordings
- AstroPilot Music
- Audiodiary
- Avanti
- Avocaudio
- Azania Digital Records
- Balcony Sunrise Music
- Bangers Only
- Basement Dub
- Bass Star Records
- BCE3000 Media Group
- Beathey Recordings
- Beats By Bytes
- Bklyn Sessions Trax
- Boltz Productions
- Brewing Records
- But Did You Dance LLC
- Butta Records
- Cana
- Caravelle
- Carina Edelturm
- Cause Org Records
- Childsplay
- Chill Cake Recordings
- Cigarette Music
- Circus Night Rec
- City Of Drums Black Label
- Clock Room Records
- Club Rapture
- Cold Tear Records
- Corntemporary
- CosmycGlo Records
- Counter Records
- Crosspoint
- Danktronics
- Deathrage
- Deepalma Records
- DeepHouseCyphers
- Deepsessions Abstract
- Deepsessions Digital
- Deepsessions Recordings
- Departure Lounge
- Diametral
- Dirty Humans
- Diventa Music
- DJ008 Records
- Dope Lyrical Content
- Doubledrop
- Downtempo Mexico
- Dream Break
- Dream Factory Music
- Dubophonic
- Dung Beetle Records
- E.M.G Recordings
- EDM Records
- Eklectic Sounds
- Elebated Records
- Element Euphoria
- Elisabethia
- Enormous Chills
- Extra Sound Recordings
- Factory Planets
- Forest Floor Records
- Fourier Transform
- Ft.loh Records
- Future Romance
- Futurepast
- Gahara
- Garden Co.
- Geomagnetic
- Gestalt Records
- GF Recordings
- Gifted Fire Records
- GOA Records
- Goat Unlimited
- Golden Factory Limited
- Gurl Tok Recordings
- Guy Rich DJ
- Hard Fist
- Haustronaut Recordings
- Hegemon Select
- Hidden Assets
- High Hop Records
- High Vibe Records
- HOH Records
- Honor Records
- Horus Music Limited
- Housequiz012
- Hudson Lee
- Hydra Music Records
- Ictasis Music Group
- Imagination Project
- ImButcher Music
- IMusician | Teo Mazet
- In The Cause
- Infinity Records
- InQfive
- Insight Music
- Instupendo
- Its Not A Label
- Jam Box Music Group
- Jean Yann Records
- Jesus Was Black
- Jive Afrika Recordings.
- Joey Pecoraro Music LLC
- JourneyDeep Records
- Klangweilig Records
- KMT Records
- Kuku Music
- La Folia Recordings
- Label Cantroll
- Leuchtturm Records
- LFTD Global
- Likes Flowers Records
- Limbo Sounds
- Lithuanian Sound
- Living Sound Delusions Studios
- Loci Records
- Lost & Found
- Lostboy
- Lovestyle Records
- Lowtemp
- MAC Music Company
- Maisonneuve Music
- MDM Records
- Mechanical
- Melodic Therapy
- Mercurial Tones
- Mind The Wax
- Mindseye
- Mindspring Music
- Mixto Records
- Moebius Records
- Monstercat
- Möonbabe Records
- Motech Records
- Moving Futures Music
- MUMI Records
- Mundus
- Music Advisor Recordings
- Music Producers Club
- Music Speaks Sounds
- Musik Mechaniks Records
- Mystictrax
- No Secrets Records
- Nown
- OLD SQL Recordings
- Ombra International
- Opine
- Oruam
- Ovelha 061
- Pacificrhythm
- Pacifitude
- Paesaggi Records
- People Of The Light
- Piston Recordings
- PlanetRobot
- Plankton Repellent
- PMP Records
- Poker Flat Recordings
- Power House Records
- Pureza
- Purpura Records
- Quanticman Records
- R3 Roland Rocha Records
- Radium Music Group
- Rainforest Music
- Rearl Ltd
- Reflekta Records
- Resueño
- Royal Soul
- Sanelow Label
- Sauced And Found Records
- SER Music USA
- Several Roots
- Sex Tape
- Shango Records
- Sigmand Freuyd
- Silence Collapse
- Solace Family Records
- Something Happening Somewhere
- Songspire Records
- Soulfulxnature
- Soultrade Digital
- Sound In Picture
- Sound Optix
- Sounds Of Earth
- Sped Up Tapes
- Spiritual Things
- Stroom
- Sufrimiento Records
- Sun Theory
- Sunset Forest
- Sunset Gathering
- Te.So Records
- TEPLO Records
- The Rust Music
- Three Hands Records
- Timewarp
- Totem Traxx
- Trancoso Recordings
- Trap Lab Records
- Trillones
- Triplicate Records
- Trndmsk
- True Story Comic
- Ultimate House Records
- Ultra Beats
- Underground Progressions
- Unison Recordings
- Uniting Souls Music
- Ursula 1000
- Val Dayer
- VibeMusicShow
- Volubilian Records
- Wabi Sabi
- Wanderlust Records
- Warp Records
- Way Up Music
- WEATNU Records
- West Fable
- Wooden Records
- Woodland Creatures
- Woodshed Music
- Xima Records
- Yellow Rhinestone Records
- Your Deep Is Not My Deep
- Zelebra Records
- ZuBeatz